A Natural Face Moisturizer Is All You Need To Regain That Beautiful Young Look!
Would you believe that a natural face moisturizer is all you need for reattaining that beautiful young look? In this article, I shall tell you how a natural moisturizer can make such a significant difference to your skin health and youth!
Would you believe that a natural face moisturizer is all you need for reattaining that beautiful young look? In this article,

I shall tell you how a natural moisturizer can make such a significant difference to your skin health and youth.Although skin dryness affects young people also, but its problematic effect is felt more by old and middle age people. But a natural face moisturizer can effectively solve this problem for any of these age groups - whether you are in the twenties, thirties or in the forties, it hardly matters.To begin with, let us look at the causes and reasons why skin dryness occurs in the first place. What I mean by skin dryness here is that dryness that last for a longer period and is more of a permanent issue, rather than just temporary skin dryness.The primary reason for skin dryness is that as we age, our body produces less of two vital skin proteins called
Collagen and Elastin. These are the proteins responsible for giving our skin its firmness, softness, suppleness and elasticity. In other words, these are the youth giver proteins for our skin.So, the lack of these two proteins in our skin makes skin dryness a regular problem. A natural face moisturizer can provide effective solution to this problem. But, you should take note that not all regular moisturizers are effective. They might moisturize your skin for a short period, but do not solve the permanent issue of skin dryness.On the contrary, choosing the wrong quality of natural face moisturizer could in fact cause harm to your skin. This is because a lot of sub standard natural moisturizer brands use mineral oils as their ingredient.Mineral oils might moisturize your skin for a while, but the toll they take on skin health is too much. They clog the skin's pores and leave the skin suffocating to breathe freely. The skin is unable to clear itself from the accumulated toxins and this leads to acne erruptions, skin allergies, rashes and other skin disorders.But, mineral oils are still used by sub standard natural moisturizer manufacturers inspite of all these known harmful effects because they are cheap.There is good news though. Not all oils lead to clogging of skin pores. Natural oils that are clinically proven, are in fact very beneficial to your skin health. The most important yardstick to remember while choosing the best natural face moisturizer is that it should have natural ingredients that help the body produce more of its own collagen and elastin. This will solve the problem of skin dryness from the roots and not just temporary moisturization on the skin surface.A natural ingredient that I personally use as a part of my natural face moisturizer is
Cynergy TK. It has been pioneered in New Zealand. It has been proven scientifically and clinically tested to enhance the natural production of collagen and elastin in the body.And the normal production of these proteins like they used to be produced in the youth days by our body, means a total freedom from skin dryness and wrinkles. Some quick facts: Clinical Studies on Cynergy TK on human volunteers showed a 14% improvement in skin moisture retention and 42% improvement in skin elasticity in 18 days.Now you know that an effective natural face moisturizer is all you need for regaining your natural skin youth and beauty.I have provided an extensive research on my website on such natural substances that have been clinically proven very effective as part of natural face moisturizers and can give a beautiful and healthy skin naturally.