A Yeast Cure To Aid You To Remedy Candida Albicans

Jun 30


John Walls

John Walls

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What is a yeast infection? It is caused by a bacteria known as candida albicans which exists in the moist areas in our bodies, like the mouth, vagina, bowels and rectum. An overgrowth of this bacteria can occur in the case of a poor diet combined with various factors like stress and high intakes of sugar, which feed the bacteria. A yeast cure is usually effected with the use of a course of antibiotics.

This bacteria lives in the gut,A Yeast Cure To Aid You To Remedy Candida Albicans Articles bowels, mouth and vaginal canal. It is present in every persons biology and in most cases co-exists peacefully with the intestinal flora. Stress, a poor diet, a high intake of sugar, which feeds candida albicans, can cause the bacteria to multiply at an ever increasing rate. When this happens a number of symptoms can announce to the sufferer that something is amiss. Many women experience a cottage cheese like discharge that is white or yellowish in color and is either odorless or has a starchy odor. It can cause inflammation and sensitivity of the vulva, accompanied by an intense itching sensation and some women experience a burning sensation during urination. Sexual intercourse can also become very painful. Other associated symptoms include insomnia, bloating of the abdomen and general intestinal discomfort, an overwhelming sense of fatigue, irritability, an inability to concentrate and an itchy skin. Sufferers sometimes report that they suffer with acne, which can occur on the back, chest or face. They may also experience dull pains in the joints of their extremities. Although candida albicans is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, the bacteria can be transferred to the penis during vaginal intercourse. It can survive on the skin without causing any symptoms in your sexual partner, but it is advisable that when receiving treatment for the yeast infection that both parties receive treatment to prevent reinfection. Candida albicans can also affect the mouth, tongue and gums and is often seen in infants. It is also able to overgrow in the intestines, bowels and rectum, causing a sensation of bloatedness, abdominal distension and can cause an itching sensation around the anus. Luckily yeast infections are easily treated. First visit your doctor to establish that you are indeed suffering the effects of a yeast infection. He will then go on to prescribe a cure, most likely in the form of a course of antibiotics. There are also a wide range of creams that can be locally applied. Natural remedies like Pao d Arco can help to normalize the flora in your biology.