An ancient Chinese method of pain relief and disease treatment; acupuncturists have used acupuncture effectively over several centuries. Acupuncturists use a treatment where fine, hair-like needle insertion is done over several, specific areas of the body.
According to Chinese philosophy, acupuncturists can influence the channels of energy that run within the body. Through the insertion of needles at points along these meridians, acupuncturists believe that acupuncture can relieve disease and pain through bringing balance back between the two principal forces of nature -- the yin and the yang. Modern acupuncturists theorize that acupuncture reduces pain through biological mechanisms. {That, as in the opioid peptides, and hypothalamus and pituitary gland stimulation, neurotransmittal and hormonal changes, or immune system modifications.} Regardless of theory, acupuncture is a safe and common practice.
Most often, acupunturists are used for chronic illness and severe injury. Patients are always conscious and feel little or no pain for the duration of the acupuncturist's procedure. Scientifically researched, acupuncturists can trigger signals in the nervous system, and redefine pain signals to the brain. An acupuncturist's therapy increases brain productivity of endorphins, or the body's natural painkiller. Practicing acupuncurists are widely scattered in Asia and Europe, but acupunture therapy is rapidly gaining popularity here in the United States as well.
To find out more information about acupuncturists, or if you would like to locate an acupuncturist in your area, feel free to peruse our acupuncturists and acupuncture schools' directories at Holistic Junction today.
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