ADD Supplements, Vitamins & Minerals
ADD Supplements available on the market are usually available in formulations that involve Vitamin B which provides energy and some focusing power. Using a variety of supplements with vitamins and minerals ADD symptoms can be reduced or resolved.
Hundreds of different types of supplements can help improve the ability to control symptoms of ADD. ADD supplements mainly consist of concentration,

brain or focus themed formulations. These supplements can vary widely in their main active ingredient and can come in many forms and concentrations. The most common ADD supplement is the energy drinks that are abundant on the market. It's amazing the mass consumption of these on college campuses. Get your ADD supplement when you check out at the grocery store with a quick energy drink.
In most cases, around the world, society wants a one stop, no hassle, quick solution to the symptoms of ADD, ADHD, Stress, Anxiety and depression to name a few. Everyone, from the doctor to the suffer, wants an ADD supplement that works a lot like the medications but without the negative side effects and has a noticeable effect that lasts all day.
Lets be clear, there is no situation in which you introduce, in large quantities, any substance and not have some unintended effects. ADD supplements are no different so choosing the right one for your needs is extremely difficult. Most people who do not have a nutritionist or guide will blindly choose supplements, based upon commercials, bottle color, price or packaging type. This type of healthcare will not help the ADD sufferer over the long term.
ADD supplements at a healthcare store will have different focuses in the formulation. If you find that you are tired and distracted even after a full night sleep, it may not be ADD but instead, for example, your adrenaline levels are not functioning at their optimal levels. Correcting that through supplementation you may find that that one of your ADD symptoms disappears. By tackling one symptom or feeling at a time with different vitamins and minerals you may be able to reduce or remove most symptoms of ADD.
Start by trying a liquid supplement, like a liquid vitamin mix with juice that you can easily take in the morning. Like coffee, it should be something that you can enjoy and look forward to. After that work towards the areas which you still may feel lacking. If you work on the computer all day then taking something to help support eye function is important. Most of your daily energy is used in sight. Have something to take when it's coffee break time, like a green tea with ginseng to keep you focused.
Remember with ADD supplements the use should be ongoing, the body only really benefits only after weeks of continued use.