Concerta, One Of Many Similar ADHD Medications
Concerta is a prescription medication that uses an active ingredient called Methylphenidate. Many parents are concerned about ADHD medications especially Concerta.
Concerta is part of a group of prescription medications that is based on Methylphenidate. Discovered in 1944,

this pscyhostimulant drug was used in the treatment of ADHD since the 1960s. ADHD at that time was known as Minimal Brain Dysfunction. This medication is marketed under these names or is know in the community as Ritalin, Metadate, Concerta or Methylin.
Concerta is different from Ritalin in that it's first versions were designed for a longer release while Ritalin was made to act fast. This fast acting formula caused many children to react very negatively to Ritalin. Children who have had issues with Ritalin have been switched to Concerta with better results and less negative reactions to the medication. Concerta designed and patented a 12 hour release, providing a long continuous symptom free time period. The shell of the capsule slowly breaks down but sometimes never fully does. Remnants of it can sometimes be seen in the stool, without proper cleansing techniques that could stay in your system for long periods of time.
Like many prescriptions Concerta is not a miracle medication for ADHD, in fact it has a long list of negative side effects itself. Side effects including, but not limited to: abdominal pains, increased allergic reactions, headaches, tics, insomnia, nervousness and psychosis. The main ingredient, Methylphenidate has been in use for many years but the studies do not show the long term effects on it being in the blood stream for so many hours each day, especially in children. The studies that have been done on Concerta were quite short in comparison to some of the other medications, like those for depression, blood pressure and more.
Parents for the most part have noticed a difference in their child. There has been a few really bad reactions while others don't even notice the change. When used in the proper way and when the children are not eating extra stimulants like sodas, candies or other high sugar foods, the medication works as it was planned. In today's day in age we have so much choice and variety but in the end it seems to always come down to our diet and when or how much we consume.