DHA is known to be very essential to increase the level of acetycholine in the hippocampus. People who are having problems in these areas such as those suffering from ADHD and ADD lack the right nutrients in their hippocampus. Violence may also be associated by lower long-chain omega-3 fatty acid levels in the bloodstream. There is a relationship between ADHD and dietary supplements.
EFA is an important ingredient in anybody’s life, especially if you’re talking about nourishing your brain with the right vitamins and minerals. DHA is also known to be very essential if you’re trying to learn as it can increase the level of acetycholine in the hippocampus. This is the portion of the brain that is the center for leaning and memory. Thus, people who are having problems in these areas such as those suffering from ADHD and ADD lack the right nutrients in their hippocampus. It can be surmised too that there is a relationship between ADHD and dietary supplements.
Stressing on Violent Behavior
It should be noted that violence shouldn’t be considered as a mental problem, though this may have been used by some so they can solve a number of issues in their lives. It can be due to biochemicals that may be corrected through a specific dietary plan. In an experiment, animals that were aggressive were those that have low DHA levels in their blood. It’s the same situation for those prisoner inmates who were also known to be very aggressive or violent.
Violence may also be associated by lower long-chain omega-3 fatty acid levels in the bloodstream. Moreover, violence can actually increase the level of dopamine in their brain. Thus, people who are depressed or suffering from a mental condition make use of violence as a form of self-medication. Another chemical that seems to be lacking for people who are having mental problems is serotonin. This is because serotonin functions like a morality hormone, which prevents someone from doing any impulsive act.
Treating Violent Behavior with Fish Oil
These problems are attributed to very low neurotransmitters in the body, and there can be one good solution to that: high doses of fish oil.
The same treatment can be utilized once you start to feel the stresses and responsibilities of life. Illnesses, family, career, and finances can be a bit overwhelming especially when they become prolonged. There’s lesser chance that your body can cope and eventually recover from these physical, emotional, and intellectual battles.
The worst thing about stress is it can actually trigger some form of violence and may elevate cortisol level in your blood. If you want to decrease cortisol, you need to take in doses of fish oil. This has been revealed after the different Japanese experiments conducted. The study showed that students who are constantly drinking fish oil supplementscan handle their mental predicament so much better.
ADHD and dietary supplements are both issues that can be answered by fish oil. Take time to add this to your daily diet.
Knowing and Taking Care of Fish Oil Overdose
Although fish oil benefits are many, but we need to watch out for overdose and take only recommended amounts of fish oil as advised by family physician. Fish oil overdose can cause some minor irritation and problems (eg. Diarrhoea, Flatoulence, Fishy aftertaste in the mouth) to the individual though it is rare and the effects are not quite severe.How Can Fish Oil Lower Cholesterol?
Health agencies acknowledge that fish oil lower cholesterol to acceptable levels . Fish oil is closely related to good cholesterol. Fish oil lowers the cholesterol level in the body specifically the elevated triglyceride levels that are very harmful to anyone’s health condition. Having ample amounts of fish oil in your diet can also reduce the levels of triglyceride in your bloodstream, thus further settling the delicate balance between the levels of HDL and LDL in your body to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil - Purity Omegaberry Fish Oil
Made of the finest ingredients, the Omegaberry Fish Oil is the rich antioxidant which features a 20 mg. blend of Billberry, Strawberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, and Cranberry. Omegaberry is procured after the “finest, freshest, and purest Omega-3 Oils. An additional feature of Omegaberry is that these Fish Oils are pharmaceutical grade fish oil; they are “molecularly distilled, where impurities and contaminants from the Fish Oil are removed and making it of high purity.”