Orange County Plastic Surgeon Newport Beach Cosmetic Surgery specialist in Tummy Tuck Orange County Breast Augmentation Liposuction Newport Beach
The size of a woman’s breasts is important to her overall appearance. If a woman is unhappy with the size of her breasts, she may experience doubts about her physical appeal. Breast enlargement clearly results in larger breasts, meaning that they look bigger underneath the clothing, and they are also slightly heavier and more pleasant to the female figure. Subsequent to breast enlargement, women who were previously limited by the design and styling of their clothing can have many more clothing options to choose from. Surgical breast enhancement can help women achieve a shapelier figure, and potentially boost a woman’s self-esteem, giving her greater confidence in her social and professional life.
Breast enhancement is a procedure in which the cosmetic surgeon inserts implants in the breasts to add volume. Depending on a woman’s cosmetic goals, the shape of the breast can be largely preserved, or it can be altered somewhat to create a better looking breast. During a personal consultation, Breast Augmentation Orange County cosmetic surgeons will listen to the patient’s aesthetic goals, conduct a physical examination, and make recommendations for how best to achieve the goals. The breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia and lasts for about an hour and a half. The operation is usually done as day surgery but sometimes the patient may need to stay one night in hospital. The breast implants are either placed in front or behind the chest muscle (pectoralis major), depending on what is best for the patient. After the surgery, the patient will be able to wear a soft bra and results can be noticed straight away! Usually the pain can be well managed with tablets. It will take a few weeks for the patient to return to full vigorous activity.
There are a number of different shapes, sizes and types of breast implants, all of which can give excellent results and which are ultimately chosen on an individual basis. The most common implants used are silicone filled, but occasionally saline implants are also used. Silicone implants have been shown to be safe; saline implants are also safe but can have problems with deflation. The most popular implants are cohesive silicone gel implants. This is because they offer better survival of the implant and a superior, more natural appearance and feel. Most implants used today are textured. This is because they have a lower rate of capsular contracture. Both round and teardrop implants are available, to suit every woman’s own unique personality. Breast Implants Orange County patients are made informed by cosmetic surgeons on the best decisions for their breast enlargement surgery. Patients have the final choice of the type of implant they would like, the size of the implant, and where they would like the incision to be.
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