After your hair transplant surgeon and his team has performed a meticulous and delicate procedure, it is your responsibility to take proper care of the operated site and transplanted hair to ensure your results are optimal. Transplantation is without any doubt a quite effective hair re-growth procedure, but it does not produce instant results, neither is the recovery phase that simple. Your scalp will go worse before you start noticing your desired results.
Here are five most important after care tips and things to avoid after hair transplantthat will help you enjoy a smooth and uneventful recovery period after surgery:
Take Care of Your Scar
No matter how skilled your hair transplant surgeon is, if you have undergone strip method transplant, a certain amount of scarring at the donor site is inevitable. As you wait for the hair to grow and cover the scar at the donor area, take proper care of the scar to avoid any infection. Use antibiotics and other oral and topical medications as prescribed by your physician to reduce swelling and irritation and speed up the healing process. You may feel itchiness or irritation in the scalp but avoid scratching or even touching your scalp under any circumstances.
Immediate Care
Immediately after the surgery, your scalp will be sore. You may also feel numbness in the places where incisions have been made. Expect to experience pain and discomfort for a couple of days following the hair transplant. Cold compressions work best to alleviate these symptoms. Also start taking prescribed medications right after the procedure. In addition to that, keep yourself busy by indulging into other activities of interest.
Keep Your Head Elevated
After the surgery sleep with your head elevated at an angle of 45 degree for 48 to 72 hours. Since your scalp will be bruised following the transplant, keeping the head elevated will help prevent any extra swelling on the scalp. Use a couple of pillows to prop up your head as you sleep or lay on the bed.
Avoid Physical Activity
This is crucial! Avoid indulging yourself into any strenuous activities that will raise your pulse or make you sweat. Not only the stress can be detrimental for the operated scalp but sweating may also increase your risk of developing infection. You should also avoid exposing your scalp to sun and saunas baths for at least a couple of weeks.
Don’t Eat Spicy Foods, Avoid Alcohol
For the first couple of weeks after the transplant avoid eating spicy and deep fried foods. Consumption of spicy foods can interfere with the healing process, thereby affecting the end result of the surgery. Also strictly avoid alcohol consumption as this will affect your blood supply to the scalp, leading to delayed healing. Smoking should also be avoided for at least 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery.
Follow these simple tips and get the most out of your expensive and to some extent painful hair transplant surgery.
Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic also offers different surgical and non-surgical hair restoration techniques to its clients from Dubai as well as other gulf states.
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