All You Need To Know About Head Injuries
Bumps and bangs happen to the best of us and old or young it would appear that there is always a worry where a head injury is involved. Most men and women run to their nearby hospital for an x-ray, which will essentially only allow them to see if you have fractured your skull, which is quite rare and honestly unlikely. And then if the film comes back clean they send you home to watch yourself for 24-48 hours.
Bumps and bangs happen to the best of us and old or young it would appear that there is always a worry where a head injury is involved. Most men and women run to their nearby hospital for an x-ray,

which will essentially only allow them to see if you have fractured your skull, which is quite rare and honestly unlikely. And then if the film comes back clean they send you home to watch yourself for 24-48 hours.
Now this has always seemed like a really strange thing and honestly most people are just fine even after a bump or two on the noggin but in some strange cases there have been odd instances in which an individual seemed perfectly fine and then within hours of a head injury simply died. No one really understands how this type of thing can happen except to take a guess that the location of the injury actually has a lot to do with the eventual outcome for the patient.
If you or someone you love hits their head it's smart to have them examined by a medical expert and then it's best to keep a close watch on their behaviors, speech patterns, sleep habits, and to search for anything abnormal in the way they appear. Numerous times those things that men and women notice about themselves are those things that others tend to notice right off the bat. That's why it always best to have someone else in your presence to keep an eye on you if you have suffered a head injury. If you begin to behave oddly you may perhaps neglect to notice.
Of course, there are some tell tale signs of a concussion including dizziness, vomiting, constricted pupils, and confusion. At the very first sign of any of these things it's a good idea to call 911 or rush the individual to the nearest hospital for assessment. You can never be too cautious as far as a head injury is concerned.
Whether you fall and hit your head on something or are in a minor accident, it's always best to have yourself examined by a medical doctor that can check on you and make certain that you have a fractured skull, neck injury, brain stem injury, or concussion. After all, you would like to go to sleep knowing that you'll rise again in the morning to face another day.