Anaemia can be caused by a wide range of events, including certain diseases, conditions and medications.
Anaemia can be caused by iron or vitamin deficiency, blood loss, a chronic illness, or a genetic or acquired defect or disease. Anaemia is among the most common ailments affecting human beings. Approximately one trillion or 100 million new blood cells are formed daily in the bone marrow. The raw materials required in the production of these cells are iron, proteins, and vitamins, especially folic acid and B12. Of these, iron and proteins are essential in building up the red colouring matter called haemoglobin. Each person should have about 15 gm of haemoglobin per 100 ml of blood, and a blood count of approximately five million red cells per millimetre of blood.
Causes of Anaemia
The common Causes of Anaemia :
Lack of ability on the part of body to produce red blood cells.
Hiatus hernia.
Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).
Deficiency of iron in the body.
Peptic ulcer.
Symptoms of Anaemia
Some Symptoms of Anaemia :
Cracked or reddened tongue.
Rapid, weak pulse or palpitations .
Loss of appetite.
Concentration difficulties.
Treatment of Anaemia
The most common way to treat anaemia caused by iron deficiency is to prescribe an iron supplement.
Some patients are given injections.
If iron depletion is very severe blood transfusions may be necessary.
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