Bacterial vaginosis is something that millions of women today will have to deal with. This is an issue that many women don’t really know they have because the symptoms don’t always come through right away. It’s something that can manifest over time, but once it shows some symptoms, things can get progressively worse.
It’s for that reason why many should understand what this is, how to treat it at home, and how to ensure that recurrences don’t spell doom for the vaginal tissue. With that in mind, you’ll find that the following options are well worth exploring on a deeper level.
What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?
Before getting into the home remedies, you first need to know what this is and how to deal with it. This is an issue that is caused by an inflammation of the vaginal tissue. The vagina has bacteria, and that can cause a disruption, if it’s negative. A bacterial overgrowth will cause a variety of symptoms to come through, especially some that are not very comfortable to deal with.
Some of the main symptoms of this issue include redness, vaginal discharge, itching, pain during sex, and foul odor. This is caused by a disruption in the pH levels in the vagina, as well as frequent douching or having unprotected sex with different partners. While these are root causes, there are also other hormonal shifts that can cause the disruption.
Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis
Moving forward with the right treatment for this issue may not be so simple for some. You’ll need to first diagnose yourself with the issue, and then start working towards resolution. Many women have a problem with this because they do not have symptoms overall. Besides that, it’s imperative to look into home remedies that can be determined with this option.
Change Soaps
The first option is simple, change the soap used to clean. Cleaning the vagina with soap that does not have any alkaline, or any harsh chemicals is the key to this. The vagina doesn’t need to be cleaned with the same soap that you use for other areas of the body. Those can be very harsh and cause problems with the bacteria in the vagina.
Apple Cider Vinegar
There’s a few ways to introduce apple cider vinegar into the body. For this issue, you’ll want to take a bath can help with this, and restore the proper levels of bacteria in the vagina.
Baking Soda
A cup of baking soda to a bath that isn’t too high can help with reducing the issue here, and help with pH balance restoration. One should sit in the bath for at least 20 minutes to see results overall.
Topical Creams
Over the counter medications can help with this. There are several that are marked as pH cleansers, BV treatments, and even “vaginal” care. These options can help clean the vagina, help remove negative bacteria, and help with restoring the pH balance overall. It can help clear the issue, and help with a variety of healing properties. In the end, you can get rid of vaginosis at home, with ease.
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