Are You Obsessed With Health?

Jan 29


Paul Abbey

Paul Abbey

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Cerebal palsy will affect the muscle tone, movement and motor skills.


I feel much better that I am no longer obsessed with reading articles on health. To be honest it was driving me absolutely crazy,Are You Obsessed With Health? Articles you see, I am a health fanatic. It’s probably easy to understand because I was hugely overweight and after losing it and getting as shape back then perhaps you can understand why someone becomes obsessed with staying that way.

Any articles on health I could find to help with my fitness, diet, supplements to help prolong life, I would read them. 
That’s all changed now though because when I read an article on health now I just get angry because they keep changing their minds about what is good or bad for you. 
It is not unusual to find an article say on soy which claims how good it is for you to find another article that says to avoid it because it has a strange effect on male hormones and that it increases the chances of food allergens. If you’re anything like me, there’s no mystery, we are just looking for the best way to eat healthily, keep fit and live a good long life.

Who and what are you supposed to believe when all you want to do is find a good healthy lifestyle. A prime example of these confusing contradictions is with coffee; chocolate and alcohol which we’re told were not good for you. The experts that told us not so long ago that these things were bad for us are now saying the complete opposite, for instance red wine is good for the heart and dark chocolate can be good for stress, dark beer or Guinness is also as is coffee but all, I hasten to add in moderation. Tomorrow, they will be saying that ice cream and cheesecake are the best options for creating a low cholesterol diet!

What I have finally figured out at such great pains is that, ultimately, my own life is my own responsibility. I can read all the articles on health by experts that I want, but none of them will really tell me how to live. At the very best, articles on health can give me some health tips that will help me figure out how to exercise, and how to eat right, but the rest is just me listening to my body.
I think what it all boils down to is me doing what is in my best interest and what feels correct to me and hopefully I’ll be able to live a happier more productive life.

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