Asthma Home Remedies - Finding Relief for Your Chronic Problem
Millions of individuals suffer from the chronic symptoms brought on by asthma. While some people are afflicted with intense attacks, most cases are mild, involving difficulty breathing, slight wheezing, coughing, a shortness of breath and at times a tightness in the chest.
While severe cases require large doses of heavy medication and inhalers,
mild cases can typically be managed using asthma home remedies.
Causes That Bring on Asthmatic Attacks
Typically thought to be brought on by both genetic and environmental conditions, asthma sufferers seem to be growing in numbers over the last few decades. These rising numbers suggests that more individuals are suffering from a reaction to plant activity, specific reactive chemicals and harsh toxins in the environment. For those people that cannot move away or change their job, they need to seek out a solution to their problem.
Although every individual case is different, mildly asthmatic individuals can typically find one or more asthma home remedies that work for them. These natural remedies can provide instant relief without any harmful side effects caused by medications and steroids typically used to treat sufferers. Some of these asthma home remedies include:
Vitamin B12 – This vitamin provides the natural support the body needs to maintain healthy red blood cells and prevent neuropathy, the tingling and burning sensations under the skin. Vitamin B12 contains the nutrients needed to build and maintain a healthy nervous system, which naturally settles down mast cell activity.
Caffeine – For those individuals suffering from mild cases of asthma, caffeine works as a natural bronchodilator and helps to maintain an open airway passage to the lungs. Many years ago, the bronchodilator theophylline, found in caffeine, was used to treat asthmatic patients.
Garlic – The healing properties of garlic are said to be a highly effective treatment for anyone suffering from asthma. It has been suggested that individuals take garlic tablets or drink a solution of garlic boiled in milk, as it has been described as an effective treatment for improving mild conditions some individuals experience.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Drinking small quantities of apple cider vinegar is known to reduce the amount of mucus lining the inside of the airways in the throat, which makes it easier to breathe. Though a challenge to take, even in small quantities, it helps to add a dash of honey or sugar before sipping it slowly.
These few simple asthma home remedies can be a helpful way to manage some of the milder symptoms of this disease. These preventative measures can improve your health and eliminate some of the stressful reactions suffered by those afflicted with asthma.