Baby's Stuffy Nose Relief
Having a baby with a stuffy nose can be a very trying experience for mothers and baby. It is just normal to have a stuffy nose from a cold or allergies. When a baby can't breath it makes feeding time very hard. You can also hear that it becomes very noisey. Here are a few things that you can do to give some relief.
You can use a cool-mist vaporizer next to your baby's crib. This will help loosen the mucus. Always make sure you clean and dry the vaporizer. You do not want to make matters worse by mold or building bacteria. If the baby still has trouble at feeding time,
then here is something eles that will help. You can use saline drops which is salt water. You can find this in any local drugstore or walmarts .Also, a clean baby dropper can be purchased. Just put a couple of drops into each nostril to loosen the mucus. Then you need to use a soft rubber suction bulb to suction out the mucus. This is a good thing to do right before feeding time. Babies with a cold or allergies will recover within a week or two. If your baby is still having problems, then i suggest a visit to your baby's doctor. If your baby doe not sleep and has excessive fussiness, does not eat and has a fever of 101 degress or more, then the doctor is very badly needed. I suggest sitting with your baby upright. This will help the mucus drain since the baby can not blow his or her nose. Sometimes you can use vick vapor rub. Rub this on your baby's chest. The menthol will go up to the nose and help clear it up. These are just some of the basic things you can try. Having a baby is a wonderful experience. There will be many memory's for the both of you. We all get sick from time to time. Sometimes common sense is the best factor to have in any given situation. Just remember to have plenty of love and patience. Happy mothering.