Back & Neck Pain Treatment: Dangers Your Doctor Is Not Telling You

Sep 14


Charles Gaudet

Charles Gaudet

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Are you looking for back and neck pain relief? Uncover the truths of back and neck pain treatment your doctor isn't telling you.


Do you suffer from chronic neck and back pain?  Are you in a constant search for treatment that will eliminate tension and pain?  If so,Back & Neck Pain Treatment: Dangers Your Doctor Is Not Telling You Articles you are not alone.  A growing number of people throughout the world are suffering from irritating backaches and severe neck pain.

Most people turn to their doctors to find relief and to obtain varying remedies for pain, but did you know there are dangers related to common treatments that your doctor likely isn't telling you?  That's right.  Your quest to get rid of a painful back and neck condition may be causing you more harm than good.

One common remedy for chronic back and neck pain is the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs.  It is extremely common for neck and back pain treatment seekers to pop a few ibuprofen or aspirin in the hopes of finding pain relief.  In some extreme cases, back and neck pain sufferers will embrace a treatment plan of NSAIDs while awaiting a risky surgery!

Believe it or not, the pitfalls of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as surgery, are staggering.  According to a recent article in Science Daily:

"The mortality rate from NSAID complications is higher than that of serious diseases like cervical cancer and AIDS."

NSAIDs have been known as contributory to high blood pressure, stomach and intestinal bleeding, ulcers, kidney and liver problems.

In fact, a study published in the American Gastroenterological Association Journal stated that 71 percent of people who took some form of NSAID medication for 3 months, a mere ninety days, or more experienced problems with their small intestines.

These complications merely scratch the surface and are second only to the untold complications a vast majority of suffering patients experience after undergoing surgery.

If you suffer from sciatica, herniated discs, as well as a host of other back and neck problems, you may be considering surgery.  Well, before you go under the knife, you should know that there may be some serious surgical side effects that your doctor isn't telling you about.

In the United States today, over 250,000 surgeries are performed each year, and this number only accounts for lower back surgery.  Many health experts agree that most operations are either premature or unnecessary and most operations are unsuccessful.  Many people are unaware of the dangers surgery can impose.

Consider this, Dr. Arthur White, a respected surgeon, states:

"I make my living on cleaning up the messes of other surgeons who have operated prematurely with inadequate diagnosis and inadequate training."

Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is one of many issues directly attributed to surgery.  FBSS is a condition that culminates from failed spinal surgery.  Unfortunately, this problem is extremely common and something the average patient hears little about until it's too late. FBSS sufferers generally experience pain and mobility that is actually worse than it was prior to surgery.

Whether you suffer from upper, lower, or middle back pain, neck pain, sciatic nerve problems, herniated discs, neck tension, chronic pain, or just general backache, there is hope for you that does not involve expensive and painful surgery, and does not involve the use of dangerous NSAID medications.

So, if you care about your overall health, and you're seeking a safer and more effective treatment for your back and neck pain, you will be pleased to know that there are many natural healing options available to you, such as healing through nutrition, targeted neck pain back pain exercises, specific alternative treatments and lots more.

Remember, knowledge is power.  When it comes to your neck and back pain treatment, ask lots of questions and don't settle for unclear advice or undergo treatment on which you've been ill informed.  You only get one body; embrace your power and protect yourself!