Back To Basics - Weight Management Program
The Six Week To The New You program is a system of weight loss that will work for everyone.
The new program Wow! Only Six Weeks To The New You is a system of weight loss that goes back to the old fashion goodness of real food. Wholesome foods are coupled with lifestyle skills and choices that create an increase in your metabolism and you become a calorie burning machine.Everyone is born with a certain genetic make up. We can not change our genes. What many people do not realize is that many of the things we do everyday actually slow our metabolism down. Your metabolism is like a bonfire. The goal is to keep it burning all day and all night. Like a bonfire,

when you throw fuel on the fire in large quantities only occasionally, then it will go out. You will never reduce weight by eating only twice a day. Your body needs fuel every few hours and when you don't eat your body clings to every calorie as if it was the last. The six small meals a day plan will keep you satisfied all day, keep your bon-fire burning and make it possible to lose weight. The program teaches skills to increase your metabolism:
- Cayenne pepper burns more calories than black pepper
- How to exercise everywhere instead of just at the gym
- Eat more often to boost your metabolism
- Lose weight in your sleep-don't look at the time all night
- Start your calorie burning machine first thing in the morning by looking at the light
- And so much more.....
Deb's healthy living program which was just rolled out 12 days ago is getting great reviews by the first 20 sign ups and more are joining every day. The beauty of this program is that it goes well with our already busy lives. The Wow! Only Six Weeks To The New You program brings old fashioned good-for-you foods and works perfectly with your already busy life!Six Weeks To The New You