Benefits Associated With Health Care Insurance
Health insurance is something that everyone wants to have because it helps to reduce the amount that you are liable for when you receive care at a local doctor or hospital. After you meet your deductible you will be asked to pay a small co-pay for most other treatments and will even receive a break on the cost of your prescriptions.
Health insurance is something that everyone wants to have because it helps to reduce the amount that you are liable for when you receive care at a local doctor or hospital. After you meet your deductible you will be asked to pay a small co-pay for most other treatments and will even receive a break on the cost of your prescriptions.
Having a health insurance plan includes additional benefits that the policy holder might not be aware of and will save on health costs for everyone. Under a industry practice referred to as reasonable and customary charges; the health care professional,
be it the doctor or hospital, is ask to accept a certain amount for each service rendered and eliminate any amount exceeding this amount. Simply put, what they (the doctors or hospitals) are charging for services is too much and we (the insurance company) will only pay this amount.
After the reasonable and customary amount is agreed on by all parties involved in these negotiations, the insurance company will pay their part of the amount and you will be ask to pay your part, thus paying the bill in full at a reduced amount. Should some of these services not be covered by your insurance or they refuse to pay the amount submitted, you will still see a significant reduction in amount of the bill. This is also a benefit of the reasonable and customary and you will see impressive savings.
Private pay patients will experience a whole different set of rules to follow. They will not only have to pay the full price of health care services overcharges, but will not have the influence and bill reduction associated with a health insurance policy. If they enlist the services of an attorney, they might get the health care bill reduced, but be hit with legal fees that will generally see no saving in any form.
Can you are your family really afford to be without health care insurance? When you weigh the benefits of having health insurance against not having the benefits of health care insurance, you will quickly realize the peace of mind and savings associated with health insurance. Health insurance provides you with something to effectively fight health service overcharges that are both unreasonable and unfounded based more on someones opinion rather than being based on reasonable fees for services rendered by health care professionals.