Chocolate may provide a short-term boost of cognitive skills and sharpen the mind, according to University of Nottingham researchers . The researchers suggested that flavanols, a compound present in chocolate as well as certain fruits and vegetables, may help people fight fatigue, the effects of aging, or sleep deprivation.
The Diet Rich in Proteins
The diet rich in proteins, if followed for two weeks at a time, may have benefic effects such as enhancing the metabolism and burning more calories.Our April Fools' Celebration
Yes, we did post a few fake news on April 1st. We hope they were thoroughly enjoyed, and taken for what they were - April Fools' hoaxes.Five Misconceptions About Low-Carb Diets (I): the Atkins Diet
When the Atkins diet was published, it gave rise to many controversies about whether low-carb diets really work or not. Soon, a battle started between high and low-carb diets. In fact, studies showed that the Atkins diet is as efficient as any diet when it comes to losing weight.