Breast Augmentation: Choosing Size

May 31


Abraham Avotina

Abraham Avotina

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There is a science involved in choosing the right sized breasts. Women who go through the detailed process of choice prior to a breast augmentation surgery are more likely to be happy with their results.

When a patient has their first consultation with a plastic or cosmetic surgeon,Breast Augmentation: Choosing Size Articles they are likely to discuss the patient’s desires and reasoning behind the enlargement. Often a patient has long been dissatisfied with their natural bust size. In many cases, a small natural bust is the cause of embarrassment socially. It can also be a constant source of anxiety.

Patients dream of giving up the padded, push-up bras and having naturally full breasts. For many, enlarging through fat transfer or implants is a dream come true. A dream that is difficult to fit into a realistic image of what the new breasts should look like. Patients have spent so much time battling a small bust size that they only want to go bigger.

The likely scenario would seem to be, in the cases where patients have long dreamed of breast augmentation but don’t research sizes that a patient would opt for too big of a bust increase. This does occasionally happen. A patient will over increase their bust and later go back to have them replaced with smaller implants.

More often, though, patients not given the proper information or chance to explore different sized breasts will opt for too small of implants. Very quickly, the patient will become dissatisfied and will opt to have larger, fuller implants placed instead.

Patients should properly research sizes to allow for more satisfactory surgical outcomes. These same patients are encourage to spend time consulting with their surgeon about the different implant sizes. Some doctors take pride in the amount of time they spend with the patient prior to the actual procedure. Those doctors work to ensure that the patient has done her research and has had a chance to experience breast augmentation results.

These doctors often have specialized enlargement experiences for the patient. While some surgeons use an imaging device to create a picture of the patient, others go further and provide patients with what it might feel like. Many surgeons have specialized bras that patients can try on to see what size breast might look and feel best. Most women who have a chance to try on the specialized bra are more likely to be satisfied with the implants they choose.

Again, patients who take the time to fully research and experience the different sized implants available to them are more likely to have a satisfactory breast augmentation experience. Women interested in getting the procedure done should know that with the right information they can make an informed decision about their new, improved bust size.

Breast augmentation is an exciting, life-changing decision for many women. Those that are well informed have a greater chance of choosing the right size the first time around. Because it isn’t just about bigger, it’s also about best.