Breast Augmentation Clothing Preparations
Many women want to have breast augmentation done but may be hampered by requirements to being an ideal candidate for the procedure. Many do not understand why there has to be requirements for it and why doctors are very strict about it.
If you are considering any type of breast augmentation,

you are going to have a new look and feel completely different when all is said and done. One of the most important and noticeable changes that you are going to be dealing with is clothing and how the surgery will change that way that things fit. For most women, this is something that they may be looking forward too.
What Can You Keep?
You may be filled with anticipation a the upcoming breast augmentation and want to run right out the stores and begin purchasing all new clothing that will make you feel better and show off the improvements that you have made to your body. While this sounds like a good idea in theory, it may not always be the best way to go.
Tossing everything means that you will need to come up with money to fund your shopping spree. Remember, there is still a procedure to pay for, so you don't want to continue to add up the bills. Take the time to go through you closet and see what you can keep. All of your pants should still fit and skirts and shorts will not be effected. Already you are saving money. If you know that a shirt is not going to work after the breast augmentation, go ahead and toss it.
Maybe It Will Work
As you sort through the closet, you may notice that you have a large pile of shirts and dresses that may or may not fit. It depends on how the breast augmentation goes and what the final results will be. You can try to imagine or even simulate what the final cup size will be, but remember each person's body is different and you might be a little smaller or larger than you are expecting. Take these clothes and set them aside. Don't try them on again until all of the swelling has gone down and you have a clear picture of what you true size will be.
What Should You Purchase?
Whether you are going through breast augmentation for larger or smaller results, you know that there are some things that you are going to need to at least get you through the transition. For weekend wear, consider just wearing loose fitting t-shirts. It won't be this way forever, but you want something that is going to fit, just not too tightly.
When you go down to a smaller size purchase smaller sizes, but don't be overly ambitious. Again, just purchase things that will get you through until your recovery is complete and the results are set. In the same way, if you are planning to increase your cup size, you want to find tops that are larger. Don't get something that you are going to be swimming in; just something that will give your new breast augmentation a little room. You don't want to wear anything too tight to begin with, so even though it may seem like you aren't able to show off how happy you are with the results, just give it a little time.