Breast Augmentation: Does Cup Size Matter?
When you are considering breast augmentation are you trying to figure out cup size? If so, you might be wasting your time.
Lots of people have heard of the so-called "I.B.T.C." It's not a club that most women want to admit belonging to,

and it even may be an embarrassment for most of them. It's easy to say that cup size doesn't matter, but for someone who has dealt with this for a considerable period of time then it might matter. It's not fun to have to try to scour through the racks to find the one or two bras that are the dreaded "A" cup size. But when it comes to having breast augmentation, does cup size come into play? Does it matter at all? Well, not as much as you might think.
Unlike popular belief, you don't walk into your plastic surgeon's office and say "I'm an 'A' I want to be a 'C'." It just doesn't happen that way. That doesn't mean that after your breast augmentation, you won't be two sizes larger, it just isn't how they determine what to use. Before you head to your plastic surgeon you should be aware of what they go by to determine size. It will make things go a lot smoother when you're discussing options if you are both on the same page about your goals for this procedure.
Remember this is breast augmentation. Your doctor will be adding to what you already have. Just as every body is uniquely different, you are probably not going to be given the same exact implant size as someone else. These are things you need to remember when you are talking to your doctor. It is also not that uncommon to be talking about different size implants for each teat. Many women are a little smaller on one side when compared to the other. Nothing to worry about, it's completely normal and there is nothing for you to be ashamed about during your consultation.
So if you are going to be talking cup size when discussing your breast augmentation, what are you going to be discussing? Cubic Centimeters (or "CCs") is the term you are going to hear. This is how they measure the implant size: their size is based on how much fluid they contain. This fluid could be saline or silicone. Both types have their good points and their bad, so you'll need to talk to your physician about what the right choice for you is. The average enhancement contains only 150ccs. Add that to an average "A" size and you'll get at least a cup size larger depending on how you're built.
If you are unsure of what size you should get during your breast augmentation, you will need the talk to your surgeon. He is there not just to make you look good but to answer questions as well. He will be able to tell you what will look best on you. He can also help you learn what size will look more natural on you compared to the way the rest of your body is built. You want to look your best but you don't want to have it look like you had "work done". When in doubt, discuss it with your doctor.