Breast Augmentation: Post-Surgery Recovery Tips
If you plan on getting breast augmentation, you should prepare for the recovery period now. Following a few tips to make the recovery period easier on you should help get you the best results possible shortly after surgery.
If you are planning to get breast augmentation,

it is easy to get excited and look past the recovery period, which is often long and arduous. Of course, this does not mean you need to start worrying about it, either, as there are many ways to prepare so that you can get through it unscathed. Consider a few ways to prepare for the recovery process of this type of surgery.
You will likely be sent home with a compression garment around the chest to protect it and hold everything in place. You will be expected to wear this for several weeks, taking it off only to shower. You will need to be sure to accommodate this by only wearing large shirts if you go out during recovery. You may be eager to show off your results by wearing shirts that show your larger chest, but any result you get during the first few weeks of recovery will not stick around for long anyway since it is still healing. Therefore, it is a good idea to have plenty of loose items of clothing to wear while you recover, allowing you to make room for your compression garment and also to ensure your clothes do not put pressure on your sensitive chest. You can also buy your own compression garments if you want a few to choose from as you heal from breast augmentation.
You may feel fine to go out and continue your life as usual just a week or so after surgery, but it is always nice to have the option to just stay home if you do not feel well. Therefore, if you can take a few weeks off work, you should since it takes everyone a different amount of time to heal from this procedure. If you are able to work from home for a bit during the first few weeks of recovery, this may be the best option since you can make money without leaving the house. Considering that getting ready is often the hardest part of working when you are trying to heal, staying home is usually the best option.
Many doctors advise patients to put ice on their breasts for the first few days after surgery since this can make the swelling go down. Ice packs are usually fine for this, but if you want to be able to walk around the house while icing your chest, consider buying an ice pack you can wear. Some stores sells different types of ice packs, including some that look like shirts or sports bras, allowing you to strap on this garment and move around while decreasing swelling and discomfort.
These are just a few little-known tips for healing from breast augmentation as quickly as possible. If you are able to make these preparations, you should be able to get the best outcome with as little discomfort as possible. This will make your experience the best one you could hope for after getting a surgical procedure to enlarge your breasts.