Breast Augmentation Preparation and Thoughts
A few pointers for preparing for breast augmentation surgery. Read on to learn more.
It is important to be healthy and maintain a moderate level of activity in general. This is especially true for patients that are undergoing invasive surgery that involves use of general anesthetic. It has been shown that recovery times are quicker and less painful for people who are young and healthy. The individuals that have the hardest time recuperating from surgery are those with comorbid conditions and the elderly population. As such,

keep active and make healthy lifestyle choices before your breast augmentation surgery. You will recover faster and the rest of your body will look fabulous.
Bra size: One of the biggest decisions you will have to make during your breast augmentation surgery process is how big you would like your implants to be. How big is too big? What size will complement the rest of your frame and your natural body shape? Will going excessively big make you self-conscious? Is it important for you to look natural? Or are you worried about ending up too small and wasting time and money? All of these items should be considered when deciding with your surgeon what size of cup you would like to end up with. There are a variety of ways to test out the new cup size including prosthetics or simply inserting bags of rice into a bigger bra and wearing it around for a week or so.
Cancer: Some women opt for breast augmentation surgery after losing a breast to cancer. There are a few extra things to keep in mind when preparing for surgery after a mastectomy. Your plastic surgeon will be able to direct you with specific pre-operative instructions and should also be able to outline a plan to make sure both the new and existing breast are the same size and shape. Symmetry can be difficult when the surgeon has to match a new breast to an old one and you should choose a physician with extensive experience in this area in order to be pleased with the overall results.
Divulge all information: Your doctor will need to know about your past medical history and any medications you are taking. Be sure to divulge all information from your history whether or not you think it may be relevant. Certain medications can make you more prone to bleeding or clotting disorders and must be stopped before entering the operating theater. Other health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes may not be total contraindications for the breast augmentation procedure, but need to be accounted for in the medical preparation and charting. All of this information will help your physician avoid unsafe and unnecessary side effects.
Keep all of these things in mind when considering how to prepare for your breast augmentation surgery. Talk to you surgeon during the initial consultation and be sure to bring up any questions or concerns you might have during the process. Your doctor should be able to address your concerns and ensure you will be happy with the results for years to come.