Breast Augmentation - She Wants to Have it All
There was a time when a daughter graduating high school would subtly hint to her parents that a trip abroad or a nice car of her very own would be the best gift EVER. But times have changed and in recent years a new trend has developed for a different sort of gift request: breast augmentation.
Years ago when a woman was described as "having it all",

the definition was simple: she had both a career and a family. In the present, that definition differs slightly as now it means she has a college education, a career, a family and still manages to have a toned body and ample breasts that allow her to wear designer clothing like a model. A woman's desire to have clothes fit and hang / drape as they were designed to do so is understandable. But many small busted females find it difficult to locate fashionable attire that their body shape can adequately fill out.
As any woman can attest, no amount of exercise, or diet supplement nor gadget available online will increase a woman's bust size the way breast augmentation can. Surgeons are seeing patients in every demographic aspiring to improve on their chance to achieve their image of the perfect body.
While a parent may initially hesitate to honor their daughter's request for the gift of breast implants, a visit should be scheduled to meet with a plastic surgeon who will be able to provide the answers to any concerns they may have regarding surgery. A complete comprehension of all that is involved: costs, risks, preparation, etc. may also influence the daughter's opinion about this "gift" that will bring her closer to the image of her concept of a better figure.
Only a Board certified and licensed surgeon who has a solid reputation within the field of plastic surgery should be entrusted to advise the patient and prepare them for the breast augmentation. The doctor will require an appointment to meet with the patient and determine if breast implants are appropriate for the young woman, as well as to make an evaluation if her expectations concerning the size and shape are realistic for her body type. A discussion about skin elasticity influencing the size of the implants and what type would be a good fit for this person will take place, as well.
The most common type of implants used is saline or silicone. Saline is filled with salt water and poses less health concerns for the recipients. Should a leak or rupture occur, the body will naturally flush the solution out. Silicone offers a more natural appearance but has been known to pose a health risk in the event of a leak or rupture, and there have been reports of patients experiencing hardening of the implant after a few years. After an explanation of the risks involved with any surgery and the possibility of complications afterward, the doctor will explain that insurance may decline coverage for any and all medical claims made regarding the breast augmentation procedure and any future treatments down the road: infections, leaks, ruptures, scar tissue formation, etc.
In the end, the decision for breast augmentation is one to be made with the guidance and advice of a doctor and with the understanding that while this procedure can enhance a woman's image and self- esteem, it is still surgery.