Breast Augmentation – What to Expect in a Consultation
The safety and overall results of a breast augmentation depends on your cooperation with the plastic surgeon during the initial consultation. The plastic surgeon may ask about your lifestyle and medical history.
The safety and overall results of a breast augmentation depends on your cooperation with the plastic surgeon during the initial office visits. The plastic surgeon may ask many questions related to your lifestyle and personal and family medical history. While this may seem intrusive,

personal, and unnecessary, a full medical disclosure is the only way to prevent complications related to surgery and the recovery afterward.
Although it is a very safe procedure in which complications are rare, many women do not realize that a breast augmentation is a major surgical procedure. Therefore, the plastic surgeon must be very careful in evaluating each individual patient before committing to surgery. The surgeon may begin by asking the patient why they want this procedure and what expectations they may have of the surgery. This is important for the surgeon to know because many women seek breast enlargement for the wrong reasons. Younger women may want the surgery without realizing they have not yet fully developed. Likewise, other patients may have an unrealistic idea of how they would like to look. Larger breasts tend to cause back problems later on in life, and some women with a smaller frame will quickly find that their new breast size causes discomfort that can affect their overall satisfaction. It is also important for the surgeon to know about any previous surgeries. This will be very important information because it helps in determining the patient's eligibility for surgery. Previous surgery does not automatically eliminate a patient's eligibility. However, too many plastic surgeries can be a red flag if there are concerns that the patient will not be satisfied with their results. Knowing about other major surgeries not related to plastic surgery can help the surgeon determine if the patient is in good enough overall health to undergo the breast augmentation.
The doctor will also need a full disclosure about the patient's lifestyle. This is especially important when it comes to administering certain medications both before and after surgery. Anesthesia is generally a safe medication for all patients. However, certain medical conditions such as asthma or an irregular heartbeat do not mix well with certain anesthetics. The surgeon will also need to know about smoking and alcohol consumption. Smoking restricts blood circulation throughout the body and will have an effect on healing after surgery because proper blood circulation leads to a much faster recovery.
It is always important to be candid with your doctor, even when you are seeking a breast augmentation. Although a full medical disclosure may not seem important for an elective plastic surgery, it is always to the patient's benefit when the doctor knows beforehand of any possible risks.