Breast Augmentations and the Decisions Surrounding it
For some women, choosing to have a breast augmentation may seem like a difficult decision.
If you are a woman who is trying to decide whether or not to have a breast augmentation,

then you know about all the decisions that surround it. You are trying to decide if it is right, if others will look down on you for it, whether it will really change anything anyway, whether you would use a saline implant or a silicone one, and how in the world to know what doctor to hire to do the surgery. These items and many more may be weighting on your mind as you consider having this surgery.
A lot depends on your situation, but the choice to have a breast augmentation is really your decision no matter what anyone else thinks anyway. If you have had a mastectomy, there is an obvious reason for you to desire having this surgery. If you feel a little mix-matched due to one side being larger than the other, or even if you just do not feel feminine with the ones you have, then you have good reason to look into this surgery. As with any surgery, there can be complications, so you should research risks, and take them into consideration as you make your decision.
Once you decide that you do want to have the surgery, your next decision may surround that of whether to have a saline implant or a silicone one. Saline implants tend be safer especially if for some reason something causes them to leak. Silicone implants however, do tend to last several years longer. You will need to weigh the pros and cons, and really discuss them in depth once you choose a doctor.
And finding a doctor will be the most major decision you have to make. It is important to choose a surgeon who is certified in the field of plastic surgery. It is also important that he or she have a level of experience with which you will feel comfortable. Along with the doctor you choose, comes a staff. It is important that they are friendly and inviting as you come to the office. One way to find out many of these things as well as the environment of the office is by just dropping in. If you are pleased after your drop-in, then make yourself a consultation appointment where you can further get to know the doctor, so that you will be surer of whether they are right for you.
Some things to look at in a surgeon besides their certification, education, and experience would be their personality. You want to have a surgeon who is down-to-earth, and willing to be at your level in discussing your breast augmentation. It is important that they will be able to help you make the decisions that you need to make surrounding the surgery as well as be able to explain details without having them all go over your head with medical mumbo jumbo. You will want a surgeon who most of all, whether male or female, is empathetic toward your situation.