Breast Implant Surgery: Considerations Before and After the Procedure
There are several different choices that you must make when you consider having breast implant surgery. Be sure to discuss options with your doctor and plan ahead for your procedure.
Women who are considering breast implant surgery must make several different choices for their procedure. The material type is extremely important,
because patients may not be happy with the results if they choose material that does not feel natural. Patients have to decide between saline and silicone material. Some people feel that saline is safer than silicone. If saline leaks, you will know right away, because the material will deflate. Saline may also be absorbed by the body. Silicone may leak without your knowledge, and it is important to have your augmentation checked to be sure that a leak has not occurred. Some people, however, prefer the feel of one type of fill material than the other. There are also issues that you should consider, including the material's likelihood of rippling or dimpling under your skin. You are likely to want your augmentation to have a smooth appearance, undetectable to others. Discuss the placement of the material with your doctor. He or she will tell you the benefits and set-backs of having the material for the augmentation placed over or under you’re the matter in your chest. Either option will have a slightly different look, and your doctor will discuss the safer option for you.
The materials for the augmentation have different shapes, as well. Usually, you can choose between a teardrop shape and a round shape. You can also decide between breast implant surgery materials that are smooth or textured for your procedure. Ask your doctor to discuss his or her suggestions. Your doctor most likely has a preference for specific materials that are used for the procedure. You must trust that your doctor feels that the materials that will be used are the safest for your particular case, not simply the easiest or most convenient for him or her to insert.
Your doctor will tell you specifics regarding your breast implant surgery, such as the length of time that may take for you to recuperate and the type of anesthesia that will be used during your procedure. Ask your doctor how your wounds will be dressed following the procedure, and the length of time that it will take for you to wake up afterwards. If you think that you would want to have children in the future, you should talk to your doctor about this. Think about your home life. If you live alone, it may be necessary for you to stay with friends or family members while you recuperate. These helpers can assist with your meals and check on you periodically. You may need help to dress your wounds, following the procedure. A friend or family member can also make sure that you have your prescription and take your medication as ordered by your doctor. It is possible that your physician will want you to walk a bit to assist with your circulation and speed your recovery. Be sure to keep all follow-up appointments as directed by your doctor. Your doctor will let you know when you no longer need to wear special garments following your procedure.