Breast Reconstruction - Is It Right for You After Cancer?
Breast reconstruction is a procedure you can count on for massive improvement to the way your body looks. Even after breast cancer, you can be in charge.
Breast reconstruction is the procedure of reconstructing natural-looking breasts. Oftentimes,

individuals who have to manage breast cancer must have a mastectomy as part of their treatment. This procedure will remove some or all of the tissues in this area to remove the cancerous cells present or that are presumed to be present. The procedure can help save your life but for many women, it can also be life-changing. Feeling self-conscious, overwhelmed with fear, and worried about the future is not easy. That is why many women choose to have a procedure to recreate their lost tissues in a very natural-looking way.
What Happens During the Procedure?
There are several methods doctors can use for breast reconstruction. The goal is often to expand the tissue with expanders placed into the region. Then, doctors will have more room within the tissue and between the wall of the chest to add implants. These implants are customizable to your needs. You can choose what is natural for you or choose to go a little larger. The procedure does work to create very natural-looking breasts and most people cannot tell the difference. The process may also involve the reconstructing of the nipple to complete the "normal" look.
Is This For You?
If you are likely to have a mastectomy or you already have, it pays to understand the true benefits of this procedure to reconstruct your chest. There is no health benefit to doing so. More so, you will not be able to breast feed after having breast reconstruction (in most cases.) However, you will be able to wear the clothing you want to and not have to hide behind bulky clothing to hide the way your body looks. Many women choose to have this done because they want to feel normal again. It really can work to create this for women, too.
If you are sure that you want to have this performed, consult with a cosmetic surgeon about your options. You can do this even prior to having the mastectomy complete. In doing so, your surgeon may be able to add the expanders into the skin at the same time. This gives you one fewer procedures to have to go through to get results. You can also revisit the surgical option later if you are not comfortable making a decision right now.
Cancer changed the way you look at life, but it does not have to hold you back. Once you get through that battle, work on rebuilding. If breast reconstruction is a part of that process, go for it. You may find that this is one of the best ways to boost your self-esteem and confidence and also to empower you.