Breastfeeding and Breast Augmentation: How They Affect One Another
If you are thinking of getting a breast augmentation and you want to have and breastfeed children in the future, let your surgeon know.
Many women who make the decision to get a breast augmentation are often asked to hold off on getting the actual procedure until they are done having children for the next few years. They agree and get the procedure done. In many cases,

a woman who is a good candidate for the procedure has no intentions of having children any time soon, but sometimes winds up pregnant soon after. Then they find themselves worried about whether or not they will be able to breastfeed since they have gotten breast implants. When you find yourself worried about how your breast augmentation will affect your chances for breastfeeding, it is time for you to get more information to put your worries aside.
No one disputes that breastfeeding is very important. It allows a mother to bond in a special way with her child, while providing that child with the most essential nutrients so they will grow strong and healthy. Breastfeeding has many health benefits for the mom as well, like decreasing the risk for certain types of cancers and obesity.
Although the ultimate verdict is still out as to whether a woman that has had a breast augmentation will be able to successfully breastfeed her baby, there are many different studies that show that you may still be able to breastfeed. During pregnancy, your breasts have prepared to be able to provide nourishment for your child. They have grown bigger, fuller and heavier. Since you have implants, those implants may exert force or unnecessary pressure on the breast tissue that makes and store the milk. This could pose a potential problem with milk supply. These same implants can also blog milk ducts and cause your breasts to become uncomfortably and painfully engorged. This may discourage you from breastfeeding. Some women have fears that their breasts are too heavy and may cause harm to their baby.
There are also some parts of the breasts that may have been potentially damaged from the breast augmentation surgery. Areas like the milk ducts, nerves and glands. This may cause trouble with the let-down response (when your breasts fill with milk to meet the demands of your child). This damage can also decrease the amount of milk you are able to provide to your baby. You may also be more susceptible to scarring and infection.
Just because you have had a breast augmentation doesn't mean that you won't have any success at feeding your child. If your surgery was done by a skilled professional who took extra precautions to make sure that no damage was caused, you may be worried for nothing. If you are not sure and find yourself in need of additional support where you can receive guidance to help you with heart of breastfeeding after getting breast implants, you can contact your doctor who can refer you to a lactation consultant. You can also contact your local La Leche League International group. Remember, breastfeeding is not easy for everyone and sometimes it takes more practice and encouragement in order to be successful at it.