Butt Augmentation: Know The Basic Facts On The Natural Method Of Adding Volume
If you want a bigger butt, you should consider Brazilian butt augmentation. Get to know how this works and why it is beneficial.
If you are considering improving the shape of your body through surgery,

one procedure that is gaining in popularity is the butt augmentation. Unlike breast implants and the tummy tuck surgery, this procedure is not yet considered one of the staples of plastic surgery meant to enhance the appearance. That's why you should consider getting it done now, before everyone else does the same. Before you make an appointment, find out about the basic facts of this operation.
You may have heard of implants for the buttocks, which may worry you a bit. If you are concerned about getting foreign items implanted into your body, or worry that the implants may break when you sit down, you should consider a different type of procedure. Brazilian butt augmentation is different in that it involves taking fat from other parts of your body and placing it on the buttocks. This means it is a natural procedure that also has the benefit of getting rid of flab from other areas, such as the abdomen or thighs. The result is a natural look and feel that you may prefer to the look of implants.
The first step is for the doctor to offer local anesthesia before placing tiny tubes in the areas where the fat cells will come from. The tubes will suction out fat cells, after which the doctor will make a few tiny incisions in the buttocks. The next step is to insert the cells through a tube so that volume is added to the buttocks. You can usually get as much or as little added as you want, though your overall size and the amount of flab you have to spare will affect the outcome. Be sure to let your surgeon know how much volume you are comfortable adding, though you will typically go over this point at your initial consultation long before butt augmentation.
Not surprisingly, the biggest aspect of recovery after this surgery is that you will not be able to sit down for several days. Get at least a week off work if you have to sit down during your job, as it will be painful to do so. Other than that, though, the recovery period usually only involves mild discomfort that can be managed with acetaminophen. If you have extreme pain, see your doctor to make sure nothing is wrong, or to at least get prescription pain pills if necessary. Just as with breast implants, the size you see just after the operation is not the true outcome, as the area should shrink a little as your recover so that you will see the final result within a couple of months.
This type of butt augmentation is considered the most natural way to add volume to this area. There is no chance that your body will reject the cells like it might with an implant, so you can avoid a negative reaction of this type. An additional benefit is that no major incisions are made, making it safer than most surgeries. Talk to your doctor for more information on this operation.