Do you know what's in that morning cup of joe? You will be suprised to find out. Reading this article could save your life.
Right now you’re probably sitting in front of your computer, enjoying a cup of coffee. Coffee, perhaps the most preferred drink in America, is a multi-billion dollar industry. Are you aware of how much caffeine is in that cup of coffee? Probably not one cup of coffee has roughly 75-110mg of caffeine in it (Erowid 2000). So let’s do the math; one cup before work 75mg, then two cups at lunch 150mg, one cup after dinner 75mg, and one cup of decaf before bed 2mg. the total amount of caffeine 302mg in a day that is not including chocolate, soda pop, and tea.
Caffeine is a lethal drug. Of course it is alright to consume in small amounts or else our government wouldn’t let it be distributed. I am a 150 pound man it would take 93 cups of coffee to kill me. Right now you’re thinking “93 cups that’s a lot of coffee” if you think about it, it really isn’t I drink about 10 cups a day of coffee alone not to mention the chocolate, pop, and the energy drinks I consume to keep me awake. So now I will cut that down to probably 70 cups. So, if you think about it I drink 1/7 of the amount it would take to kill me a day. This can not be good for me can it? Caffeine, has short term benefits like stimulation of the brain, reduces boredom, decreases depression, and increases alertness. But, what are the long term effects; I mean I drink 1/7 of the lethal amount a day The long term effects usually show up when there is a daily intake of about 650 mg that’s an average of 8-9 cups of regular coffee.
These effects include anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, an unnatural rise in cholesterol, and stomach ulcers. Caffeine is highly addictive; (Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Foundation 1991)
it is comparable to nicotine and, believe it or not cocaine. So now you’re saying well I drink decaf. Well do you know what chemicals they use to decaffeinate coffee? They use a chemical called Methylene Chloride (Metilino 2001).
Methylene Chloride is better known as an industrial paint stripper. Some producers even use Formaldehyde. That’s right the same chemical used in embalming fluid, I guess they are just preparing us for the inevitable. There is good news though! More and more people are turning to healthy alternatives like healthy coffee. One kind of healthy coffee is made from Gano Luciderma a mushroom found in Asia. Gano Luciderma is used in this part of the world to help with fatigue, improve sleep, and help with other ailments.
Gano detoxifies the liver and bloodstream and helps strengthen the immune system. For more information on Gano and other healthy supplements and caffeine visit my blog site I am constantly updating as more information becomes available. Stay safe and stay