As wonderful as it sounds Lasik Eye Surgery is notfor everyone. This article will help you understandthe requirements as well as whether you qualify tohave Lasik Laser Eye Surgery.
Can everyone who has a problem with their eyesightapply to have LASIK? Clearly LASIK has got greatpotential and benefits but just like with any newprocedure there are risks associated.
The risk of complications or impaired eyesight afterLASIK vision correction can be greatly reduced if youmake an effort to establish if you are a good prospectto have LASIK surgery. Not everyone who wants theirvision corrected is necessarily a good candidate tohave LASIK surgery. Here are a few things to considerbefore you decide on LASIK:
• If you are risk averse, you probably shouldn't haveLASIK laser surgery. There are possible complicationsthat can come about as a result of LASIK that youshould consider before having the procedure done.
• Does your insurance cover LASIK vision correction?How would LASIK laser surgery or possiblecomplications affect your career? If having thisprocedure would impact your life negatively you mightconsider another alternative.
• Although the cost of having LASIK done is gettingcheaper, it is still quite expensive and you'll wantto make sure it isn't prohibited by your employer.
• A requirement for LASIK vision correction is thatyou must be an adult with refractive stability.Refractive instability is common among patients whoare 20 or younger with fluctuating hormones. This iscaused by several conditions including diabetes,pregnancy or breastfeeding or taking medications thatcause fluctuation in vision.
• People who regularly engage in contact sports orsuffer from a condition or disease which may affectthe healing of a wound might have to consider analternative to the LASIK vision correction surgery.
There are a number of other situations one shoulddiscuss with your doctor prior to deciding on LASIKlaser surgery. If you suffer from conditions such asherpes or shingles that affects the area around theeyes, you should disclose that information. Also, anyother conditions, including glaucoma, ocularhypertension, eye diseases, eye injuries, previous eyesurgeries, or keratoconus should also be discussed
Please ask your doctor to screen you for thefollowing conditions prior to LASIK eye surgery:
• Blepharitis
• Large pupils
• Thin corneas
• Previous refractive surgeries
• Dry eyes
Only once you have considered and cleared all of theabove conditions or discussed them with a LASIKsurgeon, can you determine if you are an excellentcandidate for LASIK laser surgery.
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