Candida Diet: A Surefire Way to Beat Yeast Infections

May 2


Charlene J. Nuble

Charlene J. Nuble

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A Candida diet is recommended for those suffering from Candidiasis, or the overgrowth of the yeast Candida Albicans in the body.

Candida Albicans exists naturally in the body,Candida Diet: A Surefire Way to Beat Yeast Infections Articles especially in the intestines. Normally, they would not cause any harm to a healthy body. Unfortunately, though, if there is an overgrowth of these fungi, it could cause a systemic infection (an infection that affects your whole body). In the case of Candidiasis, the fungus, due to its abnormal numbers, releases toxins that could harm the internal organs and the mucus membranes. If it manifests in the throat it is called thrush and vaginitis if it occurs in the vagina.

The principle of the Candida diet is to alter the body’s chemistry to make it hostile to the Candida, to encourage the proper balance of biotics in the system, and to discourage the overgrowth of Candida.

The Diet Plan

1. Minimize, or better yet, eliminate processed foods from the diet.

Foods such as refined sugars and bleached flour should be removed from the diet, along with other treated foods such as meat that have been treated with antibiotics or steroids. Hydrogenated fats such as margarine, peanut butter, butter, cakes should be avoided at all costs.

A rule of the thumb to follow is that if it is fast food, or wrapped in plastic and sold at supermarkets, or mass produced by someone else, you will have to look closer at the ingredients to see if it contains any of above mentioned ingredients. This effectively forces you to stick to fresh vegetables and fruits.

2. Avoid white starchAvoid white, starchy foods such as cakes, white breads, pasta, white rice, and others similarly processed starches. For your source of carbohydrates, stick to whole wheat, brown rice, and other unprocessed carbohydrates.

3. Go for high fiber, low starch vegetablesYour mother was right about vegetables being good for the body. Fresh or steamed vegetables are great for people recovering from Candidiasis. Include broccoli, celery, asparagus, spinach, onions, cabbage, and ginger. Pay special note to onion and garlic as they are very potent antifungals.

4. Include high-protein food in your dietYou will definitely need high-protein food in your diet. However, this is where it gets tricky. You must make sure that the protein sources in your diet are free from chemicals, hormones, steroids, antibiotics and other synthetic elements. A safe bet would be fish, and fowl that are not grown at poultries. Meat grown at poultries and farms are usually given antibiotics and steroids to both keep them away from disease and to expedite growth. The chemicals soup these animals have been exposed to have a secondary effect on those that consume these products. For one, some cases of Candidiasis develop from resistance to antibiotics – which is exactly what will happen if you consume such meats. 5. Pay attention to fruitsAn alkaline body chemistry is important in discouraging the growth of Candida Albicans. Fruits, aside from being rich in nutrients, are helpful in righting the body’s chemical and biotic balance. Some fruits have an alkalizing effect on the body and discourage the overgrowth of Candida.

6. Consult your doctorMost doctors heartily recommend the Candida Diet since it eliminates the need for systemic antifungals and in many cases performs better than these medicines – without the side effects! Consult your doctor so that he or she may properly supervise a diet regimen to treat the infection.

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