There are many things that cardiologists treat and one is the malady of heart attacks. Here are some things to think about. Cardiologists are medical practitioners who specialize in the care of the heart. Please read on to learn more if interested.
There are many things that cardiologists treat and one is the malady of heart attacks. Here are some things to think about.
Cardiologists are medical practitioners who specialize in the care of the heart. He or she diagnoses,

treats and performs tests on this vital organ and all that is connected with it. Heart attacks, strokes and related diseases have become more prevalent in our society. Much of this is related to coronary artery disease. Lifestyle, dietary choices and genetics have a lot to do with it as well.
- Coronary artery disease: This is often referred to by the initials CAD. CAD occurs when plaque builds up within the arteries, causing a clog. Oxygen cannot get through these blockages and this becomes dangerous and detrimental. It can become fatal.
- Lifestyle: High stress lifestyle, drug use and cigarettes have all been attributed to this problem. When a body is in constant “fight or flight” mode, chemicals are released that can eventually lead to devastation. Every human being will have some stress in their life but they can counter it with relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, meditation or exercise. Recreational drugs and cigarettes are never a wise choice for well being.
- Diet: Having a high saturated fatty diet has been shown to lead to clogged arteries, higher blood pressure and obesity. A healthy diet complete with lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies and lots of water will go a long way in coronary health. A well nourished individual has an arsenal against coronary disease.
- Genetics: Some individuals have inherited a tendency to become prone to coronary problems. If it runs in a person’s family, this is even more reason to alter lifestyle and dietary choices.
Signs of a heart attack include:
- Shortness of breath: Many sufferers begin to feel short of breath and are not sure why. This may be a red flag of impending problems.
- Chest pain: The pain may be spread over the entire region, not just in the center. This is a major red flag of trouble.
- Body pain in other regions: Pain in the neck, shoulders or down one or both arms is often a sign of coronary difficulties.
- Upset stomach: Many individuals who are in the throes of an attack may feel nauseous and even vomit.
- Sweating: Excessive perspiration combined with any other symptoms or even alone is a symptom. If the room is not hot and a person starts perspiring for no reason, this points to trouble.
Many people think that a cardiac problem is like a dramatic scene out of a movie. This is simply not the case. One reason that many individuals die from this is that they wait too long to get help. If a person thinks that they or someone they’re with is exhibiting symptoms of a heart attack, they need to call 911 and get help immediately.
Cardiologists can help people who have suffered this malady or with an array of other cardiac related issues. If a person suspects that they have anything problematic in this area, they need to get to the doctor right away.