Caring For Your Diabetic Feet
Learn how to treat your diabetes if you have sensitive diabetic feet. Keep yourself healthy if you have diabetes.
If your feet has just been diagnosed with diabetes,

you might be afraid of what the future holds for your life disease. The good news is that you can live long, healthy lives after being diagnosed with diabetes. The trick is that you must to care for your feet during your illness. Diabetes is not a death sentence for people. Here is some information to help you understand what you need to do to help your diabetic diabetes and the type of footwear that you will need.
Care: After your foot has been diagnosed with diabetes, it is imperative that you visit your doctor on a regular basis. Your Feet will need regular checkups to check the blood sugar levels and to make sure that he or she is receiving the right amount of insulin. When you go in for a check up, the doct0r might ask that you do not to eat twelve hours part to the checkup. While you are at the check up, your doctor will draw blood and check blood sugar levels. People that have diabetes are able to check their blood sugar at home. Buying a glucose monitoring system is important and cheaper than regular doctor visits. Mostly you might have to go in every four months or so for this type of checkup.
Insulin: When your foot has diabetes, it is your responsibility to make sure that you receive the proper dose of insulin twice a day. The amount of insulin that you will need will vary according to your Feet's individual condition. It is important that you establish a routine for your diet. Most people that have diabetes will give themselves and insulin shot at the same time every morning and at the same time every evening. It is not difficult to learn to give your insulin injections. Your doctor will walk you through the process, and then you can repeat this at home. Usually your doctor will recommend that you give yourself injections between the shoulder blades in the scruff of the neck. With patience and practice, you will barely feel the injections. In fact, most diabetics know when it is time to get their injection and they may actually remind you by a certain feeling.
Supplies: It is important that you have the right supplies on hand to help treat your diabetics. You will need a vial of insulin as prescribed by your doctor, syringes and alcohol swabs. It is always a good idea to order your insulin when you are about halfway empty. It may take a couple days for your doctor to order your insulin. Your doctor might also recommend getting your diabetic vitamin supplements and seating him or a special prescription diet such as Science Diet W/D. Many people who owned diabetic Feets worried about the costs that this condition incurs. It certainly does cost money to take care of a diabetes and vial of insulin will cost you approximately around $85 and will last you about two months. A box of 100 Syringes will cost about $30 and will last you 50 days, as you should use a new syringe for each injection. Be sure to check out several websites that offer these supplies on sale and buy in bulk!