Celebrity Breast Augmentation - Why Do We Care?
Ever consider why celebrities are always being hounded about their breast augmentation surgeries? The reasons are more socially entrenched then we realize.
Breast augmentation among celebrities is in the news every day. We want to discuss who has fake breasts and who has real ones. When we do learn of celebrities getting enhancements,

we criticize them. But, if they have a flat or at least less pronounced chest, we judge them. Women who strive to be thin are chastised for being too thin, yet women who are perceived as over-weight are often placed in a box.
So, what are celebrities to do? How do they best approach the breast augmentation? Many experts are helping them pursue their ideal cup-size behind the scenes and advising them on the best way to approach enhancement. While some celebs are strictly against any type of cosmetic surgery, others see it as simply part of the job. Not all enhancements have to be major profile changers. Some are slight and not easy to spot.
There are ways to enhance your profile like the celebrities that doesn't involve major augmentative surgery. For example, the lift is becoming more and more common among celebrities as a way to make the chest look more pronounced without actually adding any saline to the cup size.
The lift is a way to firm up the breast's tissue and skin. By treating the sagging, aged skin you give the appearance of a plumper, perkier bust. This is good for celebrities that want the look of a breast augmentation without adding any actual weight to the chest. Some celebrities fear looking heavier by adding too much cup size to the bust line. This is a common thought process among women. Larger breasts may make a woman look a few pounds heavier.
The lift is relatively quick as far as procedures go and the bruising associated with recovering is very slight. This is great for celebrities that need to mask any surgeries that they have. Keeping their plastic surgery appointments out of the press is a must for most Hollywood actresses. They don't want their Botox, liposuction or other treatments discussed openly in celebrity magazines and talk shows.
When the press gets involved in details of a person's surgeries, it can take away from their career options. The thinking is that if an actress is seen getting Botox injections, then perhaps they are getting old and are not good candidates for certain roles. The cycle spins out of control and eventually they aren't able to work as much as they'd like. Younger and younger women get cast in the roles that used to be theirs.
So, celebrities have learned to keep their cosmetic treatments a secret. Just as regular women get enhancements for a variety of reasons, so do actresses and starlets. Celebrities are perhaps more body conscious because they are constantly being judged in the media.
Breast augmentation among celebrities is a complicated matter. They often have to find alternate ways to get the bust size that they desire, keeping their plastic surgery appointments secret and away from the paparazzo's watchful eye.