Cellulite Reduction - Techniques Available
There are a wide variety of products and treatments available for cellulite reduction. More than 85% of women complain about and fight with cellulite on various areas of their body such as the stomach, buttocks and thighs.
If you are here to learn about cellulite reduction techniques,

it may be comforting to know that you are not alone! The problem is so common that a great many facets of the cosmetic industry have taken advantage of this imperfection and offer a wide variety of products and treatments with an equally wide variety of effectiveness.
First, what is cellulite? Cellulite is a term that describes collections of fat cells that form in various parts of the body and push against the skin. This causes the typical dimpling or “cottage cheese” appearance of uneven skin that looks pinched and puckered. Often, losing weight to reduce the amount of fat in the area does not help reduce the appearance and texture of the skin. As such, total fat stores and the amount of cellulite present are two different problems. It is possible for skinny women to have cellulite and it is possible for overweight women not to have any cellulite. When treating cellulite, it is important to keep in mind that you are treating the pockets of fat and not the amount of fat present overall.
Cellulite reduction techniques include general weight loss, improving the tone and elasticity of the skin, laser therapy, herbal supplements, improving blood circulation, wearing proper footwear, and cosmetic surgical procedures. Each of these treatments has a wide range of results and effectiveness. Some are highly effective and worth their weight in gold. Others can be classified as scams preying on the vulnerable self-esteem of women with cellulite that are looking for a quick fix. In order to get the best results, it is important to do your research and ask questions before deciding on a cream, herbal supplement or surgical procedure.
Some of the treatments with the best results for cellulite reduction include massage, creams and body wraps that improve skin elasticity and circulation. Electrotherapy and liposuction are alternatives available from many physicians and aesthetic clinics that specialize in the procedure. Response to exercise, diet and herbal supplements will vary based on the pre-existing health and level of fitness of the patient. An expert with education and experience in the treatment of cellulite will be able to answer your questions and choose the option that best fits your needs and goals.
The most popular and most common surgical procedure chosen is liposuction. It improves body contouring in a short period of time with invasive removal of fat tissue and fat cell deposits that stretch and dimple the skin. Contact a plastic surgeon in your area today to discuss the procedure risks, side effects and benefits to determine if liposuction is right for you.
Electrotherapy utilizes muscle stimulators to help with weight loss. A small electrical machine with probes is attached to the body and electrical currents are run through tissues and muscles in the body to try and break up fat deposits that pucker and dimple the skin. However, many physicians are skeptical of the use of electrotherapy to adequately or sufficiently help with cellulite reduction.