Claustrophobia is a condition that is estimated to affect some 5% of the world's population. Sadly, only a very small percentage of claustrophobics receive treatment for their condition. In this article a leading British hypno-psychotherapist explains how this condition can be rapidly and permanently resolved.
Claustrophobia - or the fear of enclosed spaces - is one of the most common phobias that we see here in our hypnotherapy practice in the UK.
Indeed, it is estimated that as much as 5% of the world population suffer from this truly debilitating and troublesome disorder. Sadly, only a very small percentage of claustrophobics receive treatment for their condition.
Most often, this is because they are simply unaware that a truly effective treatment actually exists.
The good news is that regardless of what you may imagine, have read or have been told, there really is a permanent solution to the nightmare of claustrophobia.
Quite apart from the fear, anxiety and inconvenience so often experienced by the claustrophobic individual, claustrophobia can have serious implications for the person's well being. Having to undergo a medical procedure such as an MRI or CAT scan, for example, can be an overwhelmingly difficult and traumatic experience.
In some cases, simply being in a room with the door closed can produce overwhelming feelings of anxiety.
Claustrophobia symptoms are only too well known by those suffering from them. The fear commonly produces physical responses such as rapid heart beat, sweating, shaking, light-headedness, fainting and hyperventilation.
Clinically speaking, claustrophobia is classified as an anxiety disorder and is what is termed a 'situational phobia' because it is triggered by certain situations.
The claustrophobic individual may very well acknowledge that it is irrational, but this does nothing to lessen the intense and powerful feelings of fear, anxiety and panic.
Yes, claustrophobia, like all phobias, is by nature irrational - yet the feeling mind - the subconscious mind - has little regard for the rational.
Its job is to generate feelings that it believes are in the very best interest of the individual.
And with claustrophobia, the subconscious mind is working from the belief that being in a small space means being in imminent danger and so it is attempting to prevent the person from placing him or herself in such danger by producing feelings of fear, anxiety and panic.
The cause of claustrophobia lies in a previous traumatic experience that the individual has undergone either in childhood or later in life and this has produced what is known as a 'conditioned response'.
Such experiences commonly involve the feeling of being trapped or stuck in a confined space such as an elevator, car, plane, cupboard, tunnel, fairground ride, or in any other small and restrictive space.
Though I have seen articles written by 'experts' who categorically state that there is no cure for claustrophobia, my own considerable experience with this condition is that nothing could be farther from the truth.
Those who steadfastly believe that no cure exists are simply ignorant of how to cure it. They are unaware of the efficacy of transformational hypnotherapy in treating and permanently eliminating this phobia.
Usually, 3 or 4 hypnotherapy sessions are all that is required in order to completely remove this truly debilitating condition forever.
If you or someone you care about is wrestling with the terrible, restricting condition known as claustrophobia, real help is available.
With advanced transformational hypnotherapy, even the most claustrophobic person can rapidly re-gain their freedom - and get on with their life.
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