This article covers the history, types and the process of intestinal colon cleansing along with a discussion about the 4 golden rules for healthy bowel movements which go well with the intestinal track cleansing process.
The term ‘cleanse’ refers to rinse out, purify or flush away something. Our human body is capable of removing waste materials by itself but there is a possibility that certain type of accumulations (like putrefied feces) often line the walls of large intestine. These accumulations have the ability to cause general ill-health. But, there aren’t many medical researches and studies which connect these accumulations in entirety with major illnesses, problems and complications.
Basis of the Intestinal Colon Cleanse Process
There was an ancient belief that the colon starts to malfunction after the accumulations increase (when they aren’t pushed out properly) and later this situation is responsible for major illnesses. Colon hydrotherapy and enema are some of the processes which resulted from this belief.A person’s large intestine often retains unwanted toxins (it is mostly a combination of leftovers from food which are indigestible, water and gas). The quantity of this accumulation depends on various factors like diet and the bowel movement’s frequency as well. Bowel movements are often hindered by medical aspects like thyroid disorder, colitis, celiac disease and some kinds of tumor. You can check with your doctor if there are issues with bowel movements.
Factors like drinking caffeinated beverages, alcohol, the intake of trans-fats and processed foods, makes for accumulation of residual (fecal) matter along the inner side of colon which disrupts absorption of water and other nutrients. This also causes toxins and growth of harmful bacteria. But many scientific studies summarize that our bodies are capable of cleansing most of these aspects and for the rest, a healthy combination of exercise and diet will prove effective.As many intestinal colon cleanse type processes do not have the backup of major scientific studies and research, the best alternative to traditional intestinal colon cleaning process is to follow the 4 golden rules for healthy bowel movements, mentioned as below:
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