Cod liver oil as a natural remedy

Nov 8


Sharad Gaikwad

Sharad Gaikwad

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New found landers were very fond of merrymaking and so they made a song called ‘Cod Liver Oil'. Nowadays it is a natural supplement that is sold over the counter for therapeutic purposes.


As is the case with most fish oils,Cod liver oil as a natural remedy Articles it is rich in the Omega-3 fatty acid content and vitamin A and vitamin D, which help in combating deficiencies arising from the same. Children have been known to take these supplements to avoid experiencing rickets and scurvy among other alarming conditions. 

How is it made? 

The technique has evolved now to cooking whole cod tissues, but at one time it was produced, by fermenting cod livers andseawater together in a wooden barrel for over a year. Thank god for science! 

In today's world with increasing concerns over health, and distrust over pharmaceuticals and their potential side effects, people have taken to Ayurveda and other natural remedies. People increasingly risk the probability of suffering from numerous bone health-related problems. For this reason, fish oils that have been known as anti-inflammatory agents are part of the solutions in fighting arthritis and other serious ailments. As our bodies age, we constantly deteriorate as our cells lose their ability to renew and so it is the same fate that befalls our health. 

For this reason, modern lifestyle choices are frowned upon with increased work stress and lack of balanced diets. People are ‘on the fly' and therefore prefer junk food that does not provide the adequate nourishment that the body needs to function properly. This easily interprets into a long list of medical conditions that the body has to deal with post 50. Natural remedies in the form of supplements help in restoring those essential nutrients to the body and help in alleviating the health concerns. They extend across foods that are important, synthetically produced supplements and techniques like acupuncture. 

It must be noted that they aren't foolproof in their battle with diseases. Therefore a strict adherence to a holistic routine that is more systemically inclined to providing the body relief. With the necessary nourishment and exercise people can hope to ease into a longer and healthier life. 

One of the most significant additions an individual can make to his/her daily meals; is Cod Liver Oil. Surely, being highly recommended by doctors and dieticians worldwide cannot be the only reason for Cod Liver Oil to be an important part of your meal, right? So what makes Cod Liver Oil so important? It is because of the following benefits: 

Cod Liver Oil, undeniably consists of four nutrients that are essential to human health: DHA, EPA, vitamin A, and vitamin D. These four nutrients are needed for: 

  1. Healthy skin
  2. Strong bones and teeth
  3. Healthy joints
  4. A healthy cardiovascular system
  5. Prevention of depression and other mood disorders
  6. Healthy Digestion
