Eagle syndrome can occur unilaterally or bilaterally and most oftenly results in symptoms of dysphagia, headache, pain on gyration of the neck, pain on extension of the tongue, change in voice, and a sensation of hypersalivation.
Eagle syndrome is medically name as the elongation of the styloid method and stylohyoid ligament calcification. Eagle syndrome is an accumulate of symptoms caused by an elongated ossified styloid process. This typically occurs with aging, and frequently results in sharp, irregular pain along the glossopharyngeal nerve that is found in the hypopharynx and at the base of the tongue.
Eagle syndrommay feel like something is stuck in one's throat, and swallowing may be difficult. It may also be painful to turn one's head. Pain during swallowing, opening the mouth or forking the head may also be experienced. Eagle syndrome can be treated both surgical and nonsurgical. But ,eagle's syndrome can be successfully treated by surgery. Several transoral and extraoral-cervical ways to styloidectomy have been described. Transoral resection of the styloid process is perfectly easy to perform, it can be done with local anesthesia, it involves no extensive fascial dissection.
Transoral resection causes no outside scars; also, the length of both the operation and the recovery period is short. The risks of the transoral approach, which are low, involve the chance of a deep cervical infection and the possibility of a neurovascular injury during an attempt to leave as little remnant of the styloid process as possible. Nonsurgical treatments involves assure,, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and steroid injections. Conventional medical treatments may help alleviate the symptoms of Eagle syndrome, but they do not address the core of the problem.
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