Constant Fatigue And Tiredness – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Explained
CFS is a condition that should not be ignored. It can be mild or very severe so people should watch out for it. The cause and treatment remain unknown.
Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a condition which is characterized by excessive tiredness. It is considered as a medical disorder that happens to people who have constant fatigue and tiredness. This is usually diagnosed when the person suffers from persistent fatigue for over 6 months.
There are many symptoms that can help you determine if the condition is CFS. Some of these symptoms are disturbed sleep,

physical exhaustion, anxiety and body pains such as headache and muscle pains. Some patients also experience problems in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Others are reported to have extreme sensitivity to different factors – light, smell and sound.
You may have heard before that fatigue is considered more of a symptom than a disease. Although this is true, the case of CFS is unique and different. It is not a symptom of any other medical condition because it is a medical problem in itself. However, nobody really knows what is causing it. As a result, medical experts are having a difficulty in finding a cure for it.
CFS has a lot of stages – each stage more severe than the other. The first stage is the mild stage. In this stage, the patients are still able to move freely. They feel tired all the time but they can still accomplish their work like before. However, because of the tiredness they are feeling, they may need some vacation away from extraneous work from time to time. The second stage is the moderate stage. In this stage, the patients are having a difficult time moving although they are still able to do simple activities like walking. Sleep problems also occur in the moderate stage. The third stage is the severe stage. It is already severe because in this stage, the patients are having difficulties in accomplishing even the simple tasks such as cleaning the house. They are still able to walk however it can be a real challenge for some. The last stage is the very severe stage. This is the stage where patients need complete bed rest. They need to be cared for by someone because they are not able to move themselves easily. In this stage, some patients have been reported to experience sensitivity to lights and noises.
Although there is no known cure for CFS, there are things that may help alleviate the symptoms and stop the progression of the disease. One of these is to cure the psychological problems. Normally, people with CFS are also depressed. Treating depression with medications and psychological counseling can help the patient get over with the condition more effectively. In the same, physical conditions should also be treated. Medical conditions can worsen things therefore they should be treated as soon as possible. Others believe that a healthy lifestyle will also cure CFS. When the body is healthy, it can produce more energy and it can also fight diseases more effectively. Therefore, if you eat nutritious foods always, you will be able to get over your tiredness problem quickly.