Contact Lenses: Are They Right for You?
Have you considered making the move to contact lenses? Many people find this a more convenient option for improved eyesight over glasses. This may be the right option for you.
While glasses leave many people limited,

contact lenses can open up a whole new world of convenience and appearance. This is not the right option for every person struggling with eyesight issues. Not every person will be able to give up his or her glasses and make the transition. The first step is meeting with an ophthalmologist. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to make this type of change.
The type of contact lenses you choose will make a difference in both their cost and convenience. You and your ophthalmologist will need to decide which option will work best for you based on your eye concerns, you health and your lifestyle. Some people change their contacts every day. Others choose a pair that last a month if they are removed at night and put in again in the morning. Still others purchase a pair that can be left in for several days at a time.
Ask your doctor about your specific eyesight concern and find out if which contact lenses will be best for you. Talk about your daily routine. If you already wear glasses you may want to explain what you do not like about them and why you want to make a change. This will help your doctor make the best decision for you. Remember, once you have contacts, you want to hang on to those glasses. Many people keep them as a backup option on the days they want to give his or her eyes a break or if they are in between prescriptions
At first, you may be concerned that contact lenses are not the most convenient option. It takes some time to figure out how to get them in, how to take them out, and even how to care for them. If you leave them in cleaning solution and do not follow the proper instructions, you may find yourself with red or burning eyes. Don't let this discourage you. Everyone makes mistakes and needs to figure this out.
Convenience does come into play when you are not always carrying your glasses around. There in no need to make sure you have several pairs in case you lose one or leave the house without a pair. In the morning you put them in and you are good for the rest of the day. There is no need to have them adjusted so they are not sliding down your nose. The frames do not go out of date. You can keep the same brand and the same type of contacts for years without needing to make a change. (You will need to have your eyes examined and get a new prescription each year.)
Every person is different so it is impossible to suggest that wearing contact lenses will be more or less expensive than glasses. All types of factors are taken into consideration when you go to figure out cost. Talk with your ophthalmologist to learn more about the cost, convenience, and options of contacts.