Control a Panic Attack with Vitamins and Minerals
Nutrition is crucial in maintaining proper brain chemistry. Proper brain chemistry can help alleviate anxiety and facilitate positive responses to panic.
Just going to the doctor and getting medication to treat panic disorder is not sufficient to control panic attacks. It's unfortunate to be diagnosed with panic disorder,

but this can be an opportunity to embrace new beginnings and create positive change in all aspects of one's health, especially diet.If the body and brain are to function properly, they must have the necessary vitamins and minerals. As it stands now, the average diet is missing important nutrition very vital to proper functioning. On top of the proper blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, the body and brain require adequate hydration (8 glasses of water/day), vitamins, and certain minerals in trace amounts.Consider these common mineral deficiencies and their effects:90% of all diets are deficient in Chromium, which can cause anxiety and fatigue.75% of all diets are deficient in Copper, which can cause depression.The average diet is getting only 60% of the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of Folic Acid, which can cause paranoia and insomnia.75 to 85% of all diets are deficient in Magnesium which leads to anxiety, restlessness, hyperactivity, and insomnia.68% of all diets are lacking in Zinc, which can lead to many negative effects, one being irritability.The most common mineral deficiency is Iron, which is linked to depression.Consider these foods and their benefits:Collard greens are a very good source of fiber and several minerals including Iron, Copper, and Calcium.Onions are high in Chromium.The best sources of Zinc include beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clams and salmon. Green vegetables such as spinach, along with beans, nuts, soy, and whole grain breads are good sources of Magnesium and Folic Acid.The Importance of a Well-Balanced DietDiet can play a key role in helping you control a panic attack by ensuring good brain chemistry. When the brain has an ideal chemical balance its neurotransmitters function properly, sending the appropriate nerve impulses from cell to cell, regulating mood, thoughts, and sleep patterns in a normal, healthy fashion.As a general rule it is good to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Also, the less a vegetable is cooked-the better. It may not be easy to change your diet, but your body will thank you several times over as you start to feel more healthy and renewed after each successive well-balanced meal. Pretty soon the thought of certain fast foods and junk foods might even start to make you feel nauseous!Avoid overly processed foods and foods with a lot of preservatives. And unless you're on a submarine, you probably shouldn't be eating food out of cans.All this will bring you one step closer in developing a healthy body and brain which will enable you to combat panic attacks by ensuring proper chemical balance and promoting a positive mood.