Controlling Asthma In Kids

Feb 14




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Help Kids Control Their Asthma There are many children in the country who live with Asthma. This is a disease which will affect the lungs. It becomes ...


Help Kids Control Their Asthma There are many children in the country who live with Asthma. This is a disease which will affect the lungs. It becomes very difficult to breathe. Asthma can be developed at any age. Children of every race can be affected. There is no cure for asthma. However,Controlling Asthma In Kids Articles active lives can be started if parents are helping kids take control of their asthma.  This can be done through proper asthma diagnosis. If children are having asthma, there is a lot that can be done to the child for controlling the asthma of the child. He should be kept healthy. Given below are the tips that must be followed:

  • The primary care provider of the child must be visited regularly
  • The medication instructions given by the primary care provider should be followed
  • The child's triggers should be understood
  • The signs of attack should be recognized
  • The child should be helped in improving his health.

Visit Your Child's Primary Care Provider Every Three MonthsProper care should be involved while dealing with asthma. The doctor of the child must be visited every three months for updating and checking the asthma action plan. It is like a map which will surely be successful in helping kids take control of their asthma. Follow Your Primary Care Provider's Medication InstructionsTwo types of medicines will be prescribed by the primary care provider to the child. The child must take medicines as are prescribed by the health care provider.

  • Controller or preventive medicine should be taken every day for keeping the airways healthy. Asthma will be prevented from getting worse.
  • Rescue medicine or quick relief medicine should be used for stopping asthma attacks.
Know Your Child's Triggers

Many things can start asthma attacks. If you understand and reduce your child's triggers, you can help control his or her asthma. Indoor triggers include:

  • Cigarette or marijuana smoke
  • Mold and mildew
  • Animals with fur
  • Strong smells and sprays
  • Dust in beds and pillows
  • Dust from sweeping
  • Cockroaches
Outdoor triggers include:
  • Changes in the weather
  • Pollen from trees and flowers
  • Air pollution

Other triggers include:

  • Upper respiratory infections ("colds")
  • Running, sports, and other exercise
  • Certain foods
  • Laughing hard, crying, or yelling
  • Stress
Thus, this will surely contributing to helping kids take control of their asthma. This is possible with proper asthma diagnosis.