Cosmetic Surgery - Solutions for the Post-Pregnancy Body

Oct 30


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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It's a fact that the post-pregnancy body may differ greatly from the former body. Cosmetic surgery can allow you to return to the former you after giving birth.

We all know that pregnancy can change your body,Cosmetic Surgery - Solutions for the Post-Pregnancy Body Articles and with the media image contributing to the collective cultural mindset of what we should look like even after giving birth, it can be difficult to accept the new look. Some women are able to look at the effects on the body after pregnancy and childbirth as battle scars, but it you have gone through a traumatic pregnancy, perhaps one that kept you from exercising, you may not be so accepting of what you are left with once the baby is born. Cosmetic surgery is becoming a very popular consideration for those who have these “battle scars.” Of course the abdomen is hit hard. Those who have carried multiples in childbirth are especially at risk for being left with a sagging tummy, and a tummy tuck may be in order. If you are of a desirable weight and maintain a regular exercise routine but still have an embarrassing flap of skin over your belly, you are a candidate for a tummy tuck. By repositioning the muscles, removing excess skin, and repositioning the belly button, abdominoplasty will recreate the pre-baby abdomen. Another popular post child birth cosmetic surgery is the mammoplasty, otherwise known as breast augmentation. The weight gain and then subsequent weight loss alone will change the shape of the breasts. Add breast feeding to the mix and you are likely to feel less than perky. Though it’s nothing that a good bra cannot fix, if you are interested in a permanent fix, a mammoplasty or even a mastoplexy, which is a lift, may be ideal for you. You should discuss with a surgeon the effects of future pregnancies and future breast feeding on the results of an augmentation or lift. You can undergo the cosmetic surgery even if you intend to have more children, but you will need to be aware of the risks that excessive weight gain, weight loss and nursing will have. Precautions can be made to promote successful nursing after undergoing mammoplasty, but it is advised that if you know for sure that you will be having more children that you postpone this and any other surgery that may be reversed and altered by a pregnancy. One particular type of cosmetic surgery that you may not want to put off until your family is complete is a chemical peel or a resurfacing. Thought not often thought of as surgeries and sometimes called non-invasive procedures, if you experienced acne or a condition known as the pregnancy mask, you certainly are a candidate for this or another appropriate cosmetic procedure. These skin reactions can be devastating to a new mother, and since these abrasions cannot be covered by clothes or temporarily fixed with a bra, they can have a permanent emotional effect. See a cosmetic surgeon for a consultation if you feel a facial peel or something similar could help you to regain confidence. It will be worth the effort and recovery time, and since each pregnancy is different, this may be a permanent fix; however, if you do become pregnant, tell your doctor or contact your plastic surgeon who can help you keep the acne and possibly even the spotting and masking at bay.