Crave Busters "Keep you level of EFA's at a ... level, so that your mind and body will work together to ... the mission at hand - lose the unwanted bodyfat through a strict, ...
Crave Busters
"Keep you level of EFA's at a respectable level, so that your mind and body will work together to accomplish the mission at hand - lose the unwanted bodyfat through a strict, disciplined eating program."
You've been on that diet all week. Salad, rice, baked chicken, oatmeal, fish, fruits, veggies. You monitored the fat grams as if they were poisonous. Then, at the end of the week, your stomach is scolding you, demanding you to treat it to a whopper-sized indulgence.
Pizza, burgers, calzones, french fries, ice cream, everything and anything that is bad for you and your diet. When this happens, it is more likely that your body is deficient in EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids). When your body is low on these good fats, your temptation to devour all the fattening goodies, the ones rich in the "bad" fats, will become overwhelming. More often than not, dieters will submit to this whim.
The solution is simple. Keep you level of EFA's at a respectable level, so that your mind and body will work together to accomplish the mission at hand - lose the unwanted bodyfat through a strict, disciplined eating program. Fish, particularly of the cold-water variety (salmon, mackerel, sardines), are high in EFA's, while supplements like flaxseed oil and/or fish oil should be consumed in the amounts of 2,000 mg per day.
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