earth diet, the earth diet, lose weight, health, healthy, fitness, liana werner-gray, energy, weight loss, inner strength, blog
Thoughts: Today in the supermarket my friend picked up a cordial bottle and said "That colour doesn't look like it comes naturally from the earth!". It was a bright fluorescent green Cottees Cordial. If it doesn't look like it's born from the earth,

or if it wouldn't come out of the ground, or a tree, be weary of it! At least check the back and its ingredients list so you know what you are putting into your body! Ignorance is bliss I know and it's easier to grab food or drink to complement our fast paced life style, but if you knew what these chemicals were, and the affects they had on you i'm sure you would think twice. If you really knew you may never do it again! If it is born from the earth, comes from the ocean, the land, the sky even, a plant, a tree, a bush or the ground, earth has provided it, and i'm sure has nutritional benefits. It makes sense to me.
Challenges: Day 11, today was the most challenging day of my Earth Diet yet. The day started in a rush, my plane was 3 hours late arriving into Brisbane (I flew from Perth to Brisbane and woke up at 4am to the hostess saying "we are descending into Adelaide" I was like wwhaaaa am I on the wrong plane? hehe no. Turns out some drunk lady was threatening the hostesses so they decided to fly us all to Adelaide and have her arrested! Ha!), so I had to meet Stephen down the Gold Coast for an editing sess (Editing a documentary on depression) and I grabbed a juice on the way, beetroot, carrot, ginger, celery and orange. After I had that I wasn't able to stomach anything until dinner time and I constantly felt like I was going to spew, you know when that saliva sits in your mouth! I think my body is starting to get rid of toxins and really change from one form to another, from chemicals and acidic to natural and alkaline. I did 3 poops today, which is alot! I usually do one if i'm lucky! So it's good to know that my poop maker is working! Wooo hoo!
Triumphs: Oh boy did I crave chocolate and lollies today, its day 11, usually I would have given up 4 days ago, so my body is not used to getting past this point! I am so proud at how I am actually doing it!
What I Ate Today:
Breakfast: Juice, beetroot, carrot, celery, ginger, orange
Lunch:no lunch
Dinner:Tonight I cooked for 3, and my friend Yaron from USA is here, so he got to try some of my earthy foods! Hehe! I made home made teriyaki sauce salmon with broccoli and rice.
Dessert: No dessert
Snacks: No snacks
Recipe: Ingredients:
1/4 cup Gluten-Free Soy Sauce (ingredients water, sea salt and whole soya beans)
1/4 cup water
2 Tablespoon organic honey
1 Teaspoon of minced garlic
up to 1/4 cup minced green onions (shallots)
Brown sugar if you want it to be sweet
Directions: First start cooking your rice. Then a bowl add water and soy sauce. Then stir in the honey until completely dissolved. Then add onion and garlic. Add brown sugar if you want it to be sweeter. Cut up your broccoli (or any desired vegetable), and steam it. Put sauce in a pot and bring to the boil and then allow to simmer for 5 minutes. Pour on your salmon/rice/vegetables.
Cost: Salmon $18 (3 fresh fillets), broccoli was $1.50, garlic 50 cents, spring onion $2, organic rice $5.45 TOTAL DINNER: $27.45 (had other ingredients for teriyaki sauce at home)
Exercise: 20 minutes walking around a car park looking for my car, totally had no idea where I parked! Talk about being totally UN present! 30 minute walk