Dental crowns improve your smile and instantly make you more attractive to members of the opposite sex! It's a fact, and this article explains why this is and how this cosmetic dentistry treatment works.
You may know that physical exercise can make you more attractive to the opposite sex. You probably know hygiene and grooming are important. Most people pay attention to these things. However,

did you know there are "subconscious" qualities that enhance your attractiveness? Most people don't consciously look at other people's teeth, but we all know that a great smile makes a difference. This is why dental crowns can help. It's not important for you to constantly pose your pearly whites, but they make a significant difference when a natural smile comes about. So how can dental crowns quickly improve your smile and make you more attractive?
Why Dental Crowns?
Unlike physical exercise or daily grooming, you don't have to constantly work on it. Dental crowns are a more permanent solution to quickly improve the way you're perceived. Most last between 7 and 10 years. With proper care, they can last much longer.
Dental crowns look like normal teeth, but they cost less than implants. It's the perfect balance between cost and benefit. If you have teeth that are crooked, misshaped, discolored, or otherwise less than what you'd like them to be, this cosmetic treatment can be the answer you've been looking for.
How Do They Work?
Normally, the procedure is done in two visits. On the first visit, the dentist gathers all the information they need to order them. Then, the order is sent to specialists who craft them to the perfect shape and color to match your entire smile. Nobody will be able to tell the difference. On the second visit, the dentist will put them in place and that's all there is to it.
How To Show Off Your New Smile
Once your new teeth are fitted, you'll begin noticing the subtle effects immediately. It may be necessary for you to practice smiling again. Don't be afraid to test them out in the mirror. If you've been shy or simply unaware of your smile, then it's almost like learning to ride a bike. Take some time and get comfortable with the idea that you now have a great smile.
The Subconscious Effects Of A Great Smile
Additionally, it's been shown that the mere act of smiling makes you feel better about yourself. The effects will carry over into your body language and overall mood. You may find that people simply enjoy being around you more.
When practicing your new confident smile, take note of how you feel before and after smiling. Try it about 6 times without looking in the mirror first. Just notice that you naturally tend to hold your head higher and feel better.
The reason for the elevation in mood is subconscious. That means it works outside your normal awareness much as you're able to walk without thinking about it. The combination of your improved smile, improved attitude, and better body language ultimately turns a great smile into a more attractive personality.
Getting dental crowns makes you feel more confident and better about yourself, and all of this translates to a wonderful, radiant smile. Once you start showing it off, you'll be surprised at all the attention you get!