Dental Implants Can Give Vampire Fangs To Wannabe Bloodsuckers

May 9


Aloysius Aucoin

Aloysius Aucoin

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Dental implants can give people who are interested in becoming vampires the opportunity to be fanged.

These days everyone is in love with vampires. From Twilight books and films to resurgence in gothic studies and haunted tours the world has taken a turn for the macabre. For those for whom this current popular culture trend is not a passing fad there can be a strong desire to emulate and become as similar to these creatures of the night as possible. It is not enough to simply wear dark clothing and avoid the sun. Sometimes it comes to a point where the plastic pieces that you pop in as a costume are not going to cut it anymore. When this happens it is time to speak with a dentist about the possibility of permanent dental implants to create forever fangs.

Fangs are perhaps the most iconic part of the vampire image and there are a lot of options for temporary solutions. For those who are committed to the scene and see themselves as being vampires and wanting to live that lifestyle these short-term options are designed to fit over the tooth and may be custom fitted with a drill to stay securely on. For those who desire to have fangs forever installed and non-removable it is going to be necessary for a cosmetic dentist to perform dental implants. In this process the tooth will be filed down to a nub and a cap will be fitted and cemented. It can be fairly unpleasant and painful and is not reversible. If at a later date you decide you do not want them it will be necessary to get a more normal cap installed but it will always be fake.

It is important to know that dental implants that are made to look like fangs are going to be considered cosmetic and thus will not be covered by any insurance. That means for those who are looking to have the work done the cost will be entirely out of pocket. This can be fairly steep price and will often not be available unless you can pay up front. If you contact a cosmetic dentist they may be able to assist in coming up with a payment plan but there will undoubtedly be some down payment necessary.

Before undergoing the transformation to fully be a vampire one should think long and hard about why these dental implants are being considered. If these characters recently enthralled one perhaps it is wise to wait some time to determine if this is something one wants to undertake for the rest of their life. Once this work is done it will be essentially irreversible. Speak with a cosmetic dentist about dental implants and fangs and determine if perhaps there is a stepping stone of semi permanent veneers or something that can be done.
